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Cristina Maria Flores,
Prof. Doutor

Geb. 1975, Prof. auxiliar seit 1999, Minho, Portugal

Sprachwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - Linguistik - Deutsch als Fremdsprache - Übersetzen (Lehrgebiet)


Minho - Dep. de Estudos Germanísticos - Instituto de Letras e Ciências Humanas - Univ. do Minho - Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 Braga



Besondere Forschungsgebiete Sprachverlust Herkuftssprachen


Aufsätze und Beiträge Rinke, E., Flores, C. & Barbosa, P. (2017). Null objects in the spontaneous speech of monolingual and bilingual speakers of European Portuguese. Probus. Published Online; Flores, C., Santos, AL, Jesus, A & Marques, R.(2017). Age and input effects in the acquisition of mood in Heritage Portuguese. Journal of Child Language, 44 (4), 795-828; Flores, C, Rinke, E & Azevedo, C (2017). Object realization across generations. A closer look on the spontaneous speech of Portuguese first and second generation migrants. In E. Domenico (ed.), Complexity in Acquisition. Cambridge Scholars, pp. 178-205; Flores, C., Rinke, E. & Rato, A. (2017). Comparing the outcomes of early and late acquisition of European Portuguese: an analysis of morpho-syntactic and phonetic performance. Heritage Language Journal, 14 (2), 124 - 149.; Flores, C, Kupisch, T & Rinke, E (2017). Linguistic foundations of heritage language development from the perspective of Romance languages in Germany. In P. P.Trifonas & Aravossitas, T. (eds.), International Handbook on Research and Practice in Heritage Language Education. Springer International Publishing AG; Flores, C. & Rato, A. (2016). Global Accent in the Portuguese Speech of Heritage Returnees. Heritage Language Journal, 13 (2). Special Issue on Heritage Phonetics and Phonology, ed. by Rajiv Rao, 161 - 183 ; Flores, C.a & Rinke, E. (2016). Migration und Mehrsprachigkeit in der Spracherwerbsforschung. Neuere Erkenntnisse aus dem Portugiesischen. REAL, 6, 21 – 30; Santos, AL. & Flores, C. (2016). Comparing heritage speakers and late L2-learners of European Portuguese: verb movement, VP ellipsis and adverb placement. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 6 (3), 308 - 340. ; Flores, C. (2016). Portugiesisch als Herkunftssprache. Deutsch als Umgebungssprache. Anmerkungen zum Erwerb der Familiensprache in einem Migrationskontext. In Born, J. & Ladoliva, A. (eds.), Sprachkontakte des Portugiesischen. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, pp. 45-65; Flores, C. & Rauber, A. (2011). Perception of German vowels by bilingual Portuguese-German returnees: A case of phonological attrition? In E. Rinke & T. Kupisch (eds.), The Development of Grammar: Language Acquisition and Diachronic Change - Volume in honor of Jürgen M. Meisel. Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp.287-305; Flores, C. (2015). Understanding heritage language acquisition. Some contributions from the research on heritage speakers of European Portuguese. Lingua, 164, 251— 265; Flores, C. (2015). Losing a language in childhood: a longitudinal case study on language attrition. Journal of Child Language, 42 (3), 562 - 590; Moreira, Maria Alfredo, Duarte, Joana & Flores, Cristina (2014). Teacher education curriculum for teaching immigrant students in Portuguese schools. Sustainable Multilingualism, 4, 132 – 148; Flores, Cristina & Barbosa, Pilar (2014). When reduced input leads to delayed acquisition: a study on the acquisition of clitic placement by Portuguese heritage speakers. International Journal of Bilingualism, 18 (3), 304 –325; Flores, C. & Melo-Pfeifer, S. (2014). O conceito “Língua de Herança” na perspetiva da Linguística e da Didática de Línguas: considerações pluridisciplinares em torno do perfil linguístico das crianças lusodescendentes na Alemanha. Domínios de Lingu@gem, 8 (3), Número especial "Migração, linguagem e subjetividade"; Rinke, Esther & Flores, Cristina (2014). Heritage Portuguese bilinguals’ morphosyntactic knowledge of clitics. Bilingualism. Language and Cognition, 17 (4), 681 - 699; Flores, Cristina (2012). Differential effects of language attrition in the domains of verb placement and object expression. Bilingualism. Language and Cognition, 15 (3), 550-567; Flores, C. (2010). The effect of age on language attrition: Evidences from bilingual returnees. Bilingualism. Language and Cognition, 13 (4), 533- 546; Flores, C. (2007). Sprachverlust im Kontext deutsch-portugiesischer Remigration. In Grossegesse, O. & Flores, C. (eds.), Wildern in luso-austro-deutschen Textrevieren. Festschrift für Erwin Koller, pp. 87-100; Flores, C. (2007). Zweisprachigkeit, Rückwanderung und Identität. In Thorau, H. (ed.), Heimat in der Fremde - Pátria em terra alheia. Berlin: Edition Tranvia, Verlag Walter Frey, pp. 168-176; Flores, C. (2005). Zum Ausdruck des höchsten Grades im Deutschen und im Portugiesischen - Einige Beobachtungen zum bildhaften Ausdruck des höchsten Grades. In Schmitt, C. & Wotjak, B. (eds), Beiträge zum romanisch-deutschen und innerromanischen Sprachvergleich. Bonn: Romanistischer Verlag, pp. 227-233;


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