; (with Johann W. Unger), ‘Diffuse Consecration: How Modes of Authorship Shape Literary Prizes’, Poetics, 101 (2023) [11 pp\ <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poetic.2023.101825>
‘Really Existing Utopias: Co-Creative Authorship in the Literary Works of 20th and 21st-Century German-Language Women Writers’, Gegenwartsliteratur, 20 (2021), 343-62
(with Benedict Schofield), ‘Doing German Differently: New Research Practices and Partnerships around the UK’, German Life & Letters, 71.3 (2018), 374-94
'Pacing out a Polyglot Poetics: An Interview with Ulrike Draesner at the Victoria & Albert Museum', German Life & Letters, 71.1 (2018), 111-29
‘The World Author in Us All: Conceptualising Fame and Agency in the Global Literary Market Place’, in special issue on ‘Literary Celebrity’, ed. R. Braun and E. Spiers, Celebrity Studies, 7:4 (2016), 457-75
'Re-viewing Literary Celebrity' (with Emily Spiers, in special issue on ‘Literary Celebrity’, ed. R. Braun and E. Spiers, Celebrity Studies, 7:4 (2016), 449-56
‘Introduction: The Rise of the World Author from the Death of World Literature’, in special issue on ‘World Authorship’, ed. R. Braun and A. Piper, Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies, 51:2 (2015), 81-99
‘Embodying Achievement: Thomas Bernhard, Elfriede Jelinek, and Authorship as a Competitive Sport’, in special issue on ‘Elfriede Jelinek’, ed. by A. Fiddler and K. Juers-Munby, Austrian Studies, 22 (2014), 121-38
‘Prize Germans: Changing Notions of Germanness and the Role of the Award-Winning Author into the Twenty-First Century’, in special issue on ‘Institutions and Culture’, ed. by S. Williams and D. Wilson, Oxford German Studies, 43:1 (2014), 37-54
‘Fetishizing Intellectual Achievement: The Nobel Prize and European Literary Celebrity’, Celebrity Studies, 2:3 (2011), 320-334
‘1967-2007: The Gruppe 47 as a Cultural Heimat’, German Quarterly, 83:2 (2010), 212-29
‘“Mich in Variationen erzählen”: Günter Grass and the Ethics of Autobiogaphy’, The Modern Language Review, 103 (2008), 1056-71
‘The art of self-construction: Günter Grass’s use of Camus and Orwell in Headbirths or The Germans are Dying Out’, in Peter Davies and Lucia Boldrini (eds), ‘Autobiografictions’, special issue of Comparative Critical Studies, 1 (2004), 323-36
Book chapters
‘Literary Futures: What Fiction can tell Policy Makers’, invited contribution in Carlos López-Galviz & Emily Spiers, eds, Social Futures Handbook (London: Routledge, 2021), 189-97
‘World Author: On Exploding Canons and Writing Towards More Equitable Literary Futures’, invited contribution in Joel Evans, ed., Globalization and Literary Studies (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022), 226-44