Contemporary Austrian literature (Elfriede Jelinek, Anna Mitgutsch, Doron Rabinovici, Robert Schindel, Hanna Sukare)
Contemporary Austrian film (Ruth Beckermann, Eduard Erne, Margareta Heinrich, Christian Frosch)
Comparative literary and film studies
Psychoanalytic and critical theory
Memory studies
Visual culture
Krylova, K., The Long Shadow of the Past: Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film, and Culture (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2017; pb 2020).
Krylova, K., Walking Through History: Topography and Identity in the Works of Ingeborg Bachmann and Thomas Bernhard (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2013). Winner of the 2011 Peter Lang Young Scholars Competition in German Studies.
Aufsätze und Beiträge
Krylova, K.,'"Unsere mutigen Feiglinge”: Remembrance of Austrian Wehrmacht Deserters in Hanna Sukare’s Schwedenreiter’, Journal of Austrian Studies, 55/3, 2022, 77-109.
Matthes, F., Osborne, D., Krylova, K., ‘Introduction: Politics and Culture in Germany and Austria Today’, in Matthes, F., Osborne, D., Krylova, K. and Aspioti, M., eds, Politics and Culture in Germany and Austria Today: Edinburgh German Yearbook 14 (Rochester NY: Camden House, 2021), pp. 1-14.
Krylova, K., 'The Afterlife of Thomas Bernhard in Contemporary Austrian Literature', in Olaf Berwald, Stephen D. Dowden and Gregor Thuswaldner, eds, Thomas Bernhard's Afterlives (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. New Directions in German Studies series), pp. 23-44.
Krylova, K., 'Österreichthematik', in Monika Albrecht and Dirk Göttsche, eds, Bachmann Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung, rev. edn (Stuttgart, Weimar: Metzler, 2020), pp. 289-294.
Krylova, K., 'Ariadne’s Thread: Storytelling, Digression and Flâneurship in the Recent Films of Ruth Beckermann', in Katya Krylova, ed., New Perspectives on Contemporary Austrian Literature and Culture (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018. Studies in Modern German and Austrian Literature series), pp. 93-117.
Krylova, K., ‘Introduction: Contemporary Austrian Literature and Culture’, in Katya Krylova, ed., New Perspectives on Contemporary Austrian Literature and Culture (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018. Studies in Modern German and Austrian Literature series), pp. 1-24.
Krylova, K., ‘Ungenach’, in Martin Huber and Manfred Mittermayer, eds, Bernhard Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung (Stuttgart, Weimar: Metzler, 2018), pp. 102-5.
Krylova, K., ‘Restoring a Home: Restorative and Reflective Nostalgia in Anna Mitgutsch’s House of Childhood’, in Bex Harper and Hollie Price, eds, Domestic Imaginaries: Navigating the Home in Global Literary and Visual Cultures (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), pp. 149-167.
Krylova, K., ‘Disturbing the Past: The Representation of the Waldheim Affair in Robert Schindel’s Der Kalte’, in Stephanie Bird, Mary Fulbrook, Julia Wagner and Christiane Wienand, eds, Reverberations of Nazi Violence in Germany and Beyond: Disturbing Pasts (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016), pp. 107-23.
Krylova, K., ‘Genre and Memory in Margareta Heinrich’s and Eduard Erne’s Totschweigen and Elfriede Jelinek’s Rechnitz (Der Würgeengel)’, in Garin Dowd and Natalia Rulyova, eds, Genre Trajectories: Identifying, Mapping, Projecting (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), pp. 66-85.