Dr. Andrea Hammel
Geb. 1968, Professor seit 2023, Aberystwyth, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - German Literature, Exile Studies, German Language and Translation (Lehrgebiet)
Aberystwyth University - Department of European Languages, University of Wales Aberystwyth - Hugh Owen Building, Penglais, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion SY23 3DY
- #Historische Kulturwissenschaft
- #Genderforschung
- #Literatur im 20./21. Jahrhundert, Exilliteratur, Literatur seit 1945
- #Komparatistische Literaturforschung
- #Translationswissenschaft/Dolmetschwissenschaft
Monographien Everyday Life as Alternative Space in Exile Writing: The Novels of Anna Gmeyner, Selma Kahn, Hilde Spiel, Martina Wied and Hermynia Zur Mühlen, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2008. Finding Refuge: Stories of the men, women and children who fled to wales to escape the Nazis, Aberystwyth, Honno, 2022. The Kindertransport: What Really Happened, Cambridge, Polity, 2023
Aufsätze und Beiträge
- ‘Child Refugees Forever? The History of the Kindertransport 1938/39’ in Diskurs Kindheits-und Jugendforschung, 2010, No.2, Budrich Verlag, Leverkusen, 2010
- ‘”Why is your Czech so bad?” Czech Child Refugees, Language and Identity’ in Charmian Brinson and Richard Dove (eds), Exile to and from Czechoslovakia in the 1930s and 1940s. Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies, Vol.11, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2009;‘The Online Database of British Archival Resources relating to German-speaking Refugees, 1933-1950 (BARGE) in Context’ in Anthony Grenville and Andrea Hammel (eds), Refugee Archives: Theory and Practice. Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies, Vol.9, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2007
- ‘Jack Pritchard, refugees from Nazism and Isokon Design’ in Andrew Chandler, Katarzyna Stoklosa and Jutta Vinzent (eds), Cultural transfer at the Time of the Third Reich. Patronage and Exile. Mittel- und Osteuropastudien, LIT Verlag, Berlin, 2006
- ‘Between Adult Narrator and Narrated Child: Autobiographical Writing by Former Members of the Kindertransporte’ in Andrea Reiter (ed), Children of the Holocaust, special issue of Holocaust Studies. A Journal of Culture and History, Vol.11, No.2, Vallentine Mitchell, London, 2005
- ‘The Destabilisations of Personal Histories: Rewriting and Translating Autobiographical Texts by German-Jewish Survivors’ in Lucia Boldrini and Peter Davies (eds), Autobiografictions. Comparative Critical Studies, Vol.1, No.3, University of Edinburgh Press,2004
- ‘Idealized or Demonized: Representations of Jewish Motherhood in the novels by Selma Kahn and Anna Gmeyner’ in Andrea Hammel and Godela Weiss-Sussex (eds), Not an Essence, but a Positioning: German-Jewish Women Writers, 1900-1938, Meidenbauer Verlag, Munich, 2009