Geb. 1946, Professor seit 1994, Glasgow, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - Aesthetics, rhetoric, stylistics, Age ofGoethe,Nietzsche,Modern German Thought, 1700-20007 (Lehrgebiet)
University of Glasgow - School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Hetherington Building, University of Glasgow - Glasgow G12 8RS
Universitaet Hamburg, Gastprofessor
Andere dienstliche Anschrift Universitaet Hamburg, Gastprofessor
- #
- # Germanistik # # Allgemeine Arbeitsbereiche #
- #Methodologie
- #Historische Kulturwissenschaft
- #Rhetorik
- #Frühe Neuzeit (Humanismus, Renaissance, Barock, Aufklärung)
- #Empfindsamkeit, Sturm und Drang
- #Klassik
- #Romantik
- #Biedermeier, Vormärz, Junges Deutschland
- #Realismus, Naturalismus
- #Jahrhundertwende, Expressionismus, Neue Sachlichkeit
- #
- # Literaturwissenschaft # # Allgemeine Arbeitsbereiche #
- #Hermeneutik und Literaturtheorie
- #Poetik und Ästhetik
- #Stilistik
- #Theorie der Literatur und der Literaturvermittlung
- #Grundfragen der Textanalyse und Textrezeption
- #Literaturgeschichte und ihre Vermittlung
- #
- # Wissens- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte #
- #(Allgemeine) Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- #Bildungsgeschichte
- #Wissenschaftsforschung
Besondere Forschungsgebiete Ernst Cassirer: Aby Warburg : Goethe: Schiller: Modern German Thought
Monographien ࠢ€-2039;Friedrich Nietzsche and Weimar Classicism (Rochester, New York: University of Rochester,2005; co-authored with Paul Bishop), 296pp. ISBN 1 57113 280 5: ࠢ€-2039;Goethe's Conception of Knowledge and Science (E.U.P.: Edinburgh), 1995: ࠢ€-2039;Goethe's Wisdom Literature. A Study in Aesthetic Transmutation (Lang: Bern, Frankfurt am Main, New York), 1983.
Aufsätze und Beiträge 2006 '"Binary Synthesis": Goethe's Aesthetic Intuition in Literature and Science, Science in Context, 18, 2005 [2006], 553-581: 'Violence and Aesthetic Identity in Weimar Classicism', Violence, Culture and Identity. Essays on German and Austrian Literature, Politics and Society, ed. by Helen Chambers (Bern: Lang, 2006), pp. 101-23, ISBN 3-03910-266-4: 'Schiller's "Concrete Theory of Culture", Cultural Studies and the Symbolic, 2, 2006, 92-117: 'The Aesthetics of Weimar Classicism, Ernst Cassirer, and the German Tradition of Thought', Publications of the English Goethe Society, NS. LXXIV, 2005, 67-82: 'Nietzsche ist mein Bruder, Goethe mein Vater', denkbilder, 19, 2005, 55-87: Review of Franziska Schoessler, Goethe's 'Lehr'- und 'Wanderjahre': Eine Kulturgeschichte der Moderne (Tübingen: Francke, 2002), Modern Language Review,100, 2005, 863-65: 'The Novel in Weimar Classicism: Symbolic Form and Symbolic Pregnance', in The Literature of Weimar Classicism, ed. by Simon Richter (Rochester, N. Y.: Camden House, 2005), pp. 211-235: 2004 '"Eine zarte Differenz": Cassirer on Goethe on the Symbol', in Symbolic Forms and Cultural Studies, edited by Cyrus Hamlin and John M. Krois (New Haven: Yale UP, 2004) - ISBN 0 300 10329 8: '"Geeinte Zwienatur": Il Rapporto Tra Poesia (Scientifica) E Prosa (Letteraria) in Goethe', in: Scienza E Poesia in Goethe, ed. By Alberto Destro (Bologna: Il Capitello del Sole, 2003 [2004]), pp. 21-42: 'Goethe's Late Verse', in The Literature of German Romanticism, ed. by Dennis F. Mahoney (Rochester, N. Y. : Camden House, 2004), pp. 307-26 (with Paul Bishop) 'Cassirer, Ernst. (1874-1945)', in The Literary Encyclopedia and Literary Dictionary, edited by Robert Clarke et al, 8 July 2004 - http://www.
com - (with Stefanie Hölscher and Paul Bishop) 2003 'Elizabeth Mary Wilkinson, 1909-2001',Proceedings of the British Academy, 120, 2003, 471-89. 'The Proper Object of Cultural Study: Ernst Cassirer and the Aesthetic Theory of Weimar Classicism', in: Cultural Studies and the Symbolic, eds. P. Bishop and R. H. Stephenson (N.U.P.: Leeds), 2003, pp.82-114. 'The Political Import of Goethe's Reineke Fuchs', in: Reynard the Fox: Cultural Metamorphoses and Social Engagement in the Beast Epic from the Middle Ages to the Present, ed. K. Varty (Oxford: Berghahn), 2003, pp.191-207 (paperback version). 'Goethe and the Divine Feminine in the Light of the Spanish Kabbalah'(with Patricia D. Zecevic), Quaderni di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, 12, 2003, 299-334. 'What's Wrong with Cultural Studies? A Modest Proposal', minnesota review, 58-60, 2003, 195-206. 2002 '"Ein künstlicher Vortrag": die symbolische Form von Goethes naturwissenschaftlichen Schriften',in: Cassirer und Goethe, ed. B. Naumann and B. Recki (Akademie Verlag: Berlin,2002), pp. 27-42. 'Goethe's Influence in America',GSLG Newsletter, 32,2002,6-12. Review of Nicholas Boyle, Goethe: The Poet and the Age, vol 2: Revolution and Renunciation (1790-1803) (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000),Modern Language Review,97,2002,484-87. (With P.Bishop)'Zarathustras Evangelium des Schönen', Sprachkunst: Zeitschrift der österreichischen Akademie, 27, 2001[2002],1-26. 'Weimar Classicism's Debt to the Scottish Enlightenment',in: Goethe and the English-Speaking World, ed. Nicholas Boyle and John Guthrie (Camden House: Woodbridge and New York, 2002), pp. 61-70. 2001 'The Diachronic Solidity of Goethe's Faust', in: A Companion to Goethe's 'Faust': Parts I and II, ed. P.Bishop ( Camden House: Rochester, NY ),2001, pp.243-70. Review of Robert E. Norton, The Beautiful Soul: Aesthetic Morality in the Eighteenth Ce