Brian Oliver MURDOCH
Geb. 1944, Stirling, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Ältere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - Sprachwissenschaft - Computerlinguistik (Fachgebiet) - Old and Middle High German language and literature; Germanic philology; The Baroque; 20th-c. literature (Lehrgebiet)
University of Stirling - Department of German, University of Stirling - Stirling FK9 4LA
Besondere Forschungsgebiete OHG and early MHG poetry; The wars in 20th-c. literature; Comparative literature
Monographien The Fall of Man in the Early MHG Biblical Epic (1972). The Recapitulated Fall (1974). (with J.S. Groseclose) Die althochdeutschen poetischen Denkmäler (1976). Hans Folz and the Adam-Legends (1977). (with M. Read) Siegfried Lenz (1978). Old High German Literature (1983). Fighting Songs and Warring Words (1989). Remarque's 'Im Westen nichts Neues' (1991). The Germanic Hero (1996).
Aufsätze und Beiträge The garments of Paradise (Euph, 1967). The fall of man. A MHG analogue of Genesis B (RES, 1968). Dürrenmatt's Physicists and the tragic tradition (Modern Drama, 1970). Theological writings and medieval German literature (NMi, 1970). Zur Entwicklung des mhd. Adverbs 'zehant' (ASNS, 1970). The production of concordances from diplomatic transcriptions of medieval German manuscripts, in The Computer in Literary and Linguistic Research (ed. R.A. Wisbey) (1971). Zu einer quellenbestimmten Lexikologie des Altdeutschen (Doitsubungaku Ronko, 1971). Das tragische Netz in Grillparzers Des Meeres und der Liebe Wellen (EG, 1972). A Yiddish writer and the German cultural hegemony before World War I (Jewish Social Studies, 1972). The treachery of Ganelun in Konrad's Rolandslied (Euph, 1973). Transformations of Auschwitz (Comparative Literature Studies, 1973). Fritz Reuter und Scholem Alejchem, in Fritz Reuter Gedenkschrift (ed. H.C. Christiansen) (1974). The hymns of Martin Luther (Studies in Scottish Literature, 1974). Das deutsche Adambuch des Mittelalters, in Deutsche Literatur des späten Mittelalters (ed. W. Harms et al.) (1975). Genesis and pseudo-Genesis (Medium Aevum, 1976). Die sogenannte 'Wahrheit' (JIG, 1976). Contributions to VL2 (ed. K. Ruh) (1977). Saucourt and the Ludwigslied (Revue belge d'histoire et de philologie, 1977). Devils and Vices (MuK, 1977). Zur Bearbeitung des Hero- und Leander-Stoffs (Studi Medievali, 1977). (with M. Read) An approach to the poetry of Ernst Jandl (NGS, 1977). Hartmann's Gregorius and the Quest of Life (NGS, 1978). Eve's Anger: Literary Secularisation in Lutwin (ASNS, 1978). Interpreting Kudrun (NGS, 1979). Poetry and the slave-ships (FMLS, 1979). Ein mittelhochdeutsches Schöpfungsgedicht (Beiträge zur Erforschung der deutschen Sprache, 1981). Pyramus und Thisbe, in Zur deutschen Literatur und Sprache des 14. Jahrhunderts (ed. W. Haug et al.) (1983). (with M. Mitchell) 'Wer kennt heute noch John Oxenford?', in Studies in 19th Century Austrian Literature (ed. B.O. Murdoch et al.) (1983). Game and Imagery in Stefan Zweig's Schachnovelle (NGS, 1984). Johannes Simmel's Der Schulfreund (ML, 1988). Peri hieres nousou: approaches to the OHG medical charms, in 'Mit regulu bithuungan' (ed. J.L. Flood et al.) (1988). Documentation and narrative: Edlef Köppen's Heeresbericht and the anti-war novel of the Weimar Republic (NGS, 1988). Interpreting the OHG Merseburg Charms (NMi, 1988). All Quiet on the Trojan Front (GLL, 1989). Jacob Ruf's Adam und Heva and the Protestant Paradise-Play (MLR, 1990). Adam sub gratia: zur Bußszene in Hartmanns Gregorius (ASNS, 1990). Treasures Stored in Heaven: the Early Alemannic Scopf von dem lone (ABäG, 1991). Überhaupt nichts los: Some Comments on Dylan Thomas and Alfred Andersch (N, 1991). Drohtin, uuerthe so: Funktionsweisen der althochdeutschen Zaubersprüche (LJb, 1991). Hinter die Kulissen des Krieges sehen: Evadne Price, Adrienne Thomas and E.M. Remarque (FMLS, 1991). Narrative Strategies in Remarque's Im Westen nichts Neues (NGS, 1992/3). Sethites and Cainites: Narrative Problems in the Early Middle High German Genesis Poems, in German Narrative Literature of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (ed. V. Honemann et al.) (1994). The Old Frisian Adam Octipartitus (ABäG, 1994). Menschenverachtung und Feindbilder: the Message(s) of Gudrun Pausewang's Die Wolke (N, 1994). Dos Piezas dramaticás en verso del Génesis (Acta Poetica, 1995). Chapters on OHG in German Writers and Works of the Early Middle Ages (ed. W. Hasty et al.) (1995). Hans Sachs and Genesis 1-3, in Hans Sachs and Folk Theatre in the Late Middle Ages (ed. R. Aylett et al.) (1995). Johannsen's Vier von der Infanterie and Remarque's Im Westen nichts Neues (Remarque-Jahrbuch, 1995). Trost in Verzweiflung (NMi, 1995). Various Gospels: Die Erlösung, Pascon agan Arluth, and the Sermone of Petro da Barsegape (Studi Medievali, 1995). We Germans...? Remarques englischer Roman All Quiet on the Western Front (Remarque-Jahrbuch, 1996). The Carolingian Period and the Early Middle Ages, in Cambridge History of German Literature (ed. H. Watanabe) (1997). Authority and Authenticity: Some Comments on the Prologues to the Old Frisian Laws (ABäG, 1997).