Logo Germanistenverzeichnis


Geb. 1934, Southampton, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - Modern German literature (Lehrgebiet)


University of Southampton - German Section, School of Modern Languages, University of Southampton - Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ


Besondere Forschungsgebiete Frankfurt school; Brecht; Jewish literature and culture

Aufsätze und Beiträge German Literature from 1945, in Periods in German Literature (ed. J.M. Ritchie) (1966). Ernst Bloch: Modernism and Fascism, in 1936: The Sociology of Literature (1979). Is Galilei a Tui?, in Antipodische Aufklärungen, Festschrift für Leslie Bodi (1987). Georg Lukács and Socialist Realism, in Socialist Realism (ed. D. Tate et al.) (1988). The contribution of German-speaking Jewish refugees to German Studies in Britain, in Second Chance (ed. W.E. Mosse) (1991). German and Jews since 1945 (Patterns of Prejudice, 1995).

Übersetzungen Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: The Cologne Communist Trial; Heroes of the Exile (1971). Georg Lukács: Political Writings 1919-1929 (1972). Georg Lukács: Essays on Realism (transl. by D. Fernbach) (1981). T.W. Adorno: In Search of Wagner (1981). Erich Kästner: Fabian (1991). Georg Lukács: German Realists of the Nineteenth Century (1992). (with S. Giles) Brecht: Centenary Essays (1998*).


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