Geb. 1962, Reader seit 2010, Birmingham, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet)
- German language; 18th-20th-c. German intellectual and cultural history (Lehrgebiet)
University of Birmingham - Dep. of German Studies, Centre for European Languages and Cultures, School of Humanities - Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT
Besondere Forschungsgebiete Schiller's aesthetic theory; Nietzsche reception; German First World War writing; Weimar and Third Reich literature; Thomas Mann; Terrorism and counter-cultures in (West) Germany, 1965 to the present day
Monographien Nietzsche and Schiller: Untimely Aesthetics (Oxford University Press 1996)
Aufsätze und Beiträge
Retying the Gordian Knot Nietzsche and the Nineteenth Century (Journal of Nietzsche Studies, 1993)
'We Good Europeans': Nietzsche's New Europe in Beyond Good and Evil (History of European Ideas 1995)
'Wie ich von Wagner loskam' (Nietzsche-Forschung 1995)
Nietzsche's 'Schillerbild': a Re- evaluation (German Life and Letters 1995)
Extremes of Nietzsche: 'Wo sind die Barbaren des 20. Jahrhunderts?'. In: Ecce Opus. Nietzsche-Revisionen im 20. Jahrhundert (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2003)
Nietzsche in the GDR: History of a Taboo. In: Nietzsche and the German Tradition (Peter Lang 2003)
Breeding Greeks: Nietzsche, Gobineau and Classical Theories of Race. In: Nietzsche and Antiquity: His Reaction and Response to the Classical Tradition (Camden House 2004)
Thomas Manns Nietzsche im Lichte der eigenen Erfahrung: Einkehr, Abrechnung, Selbstkritik. In: Thomas Mann (1875- 1955) (Weidler 2005)
'Fighting a Philosophy': The Figure of Nietzsche in British Propaganda of the First World War (MLR, 2003)
Rocking the Boat? - Victims, Perpetrators and Günter Grass (Forum for Modern Language Studies 2005)
'Ewig verbundene Geister': Thomas Mann's Re-engagement with Nietzsche, 1943-1947 (Oxford German Studies, 2005)
Images of Schiller in National Socialist Germany. In: Schiller: National Poet - Poet of Nations. A Birmingham Symposium (Rodopi 2006)
'Thomas Mann's Mario und der Zauberer: "Simply a Story of Human Affairs"'. In: The Text and Its Context: Studies in Modern German Literature and Society Presented to Ronald Speirs on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, ed. Nigel Harris and Joanne Sayner (Oxford & Berne: Peter Lang, 2008)