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William Norman Boyd MULLAN

Geb. 1942, St Andrews, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - Sprachwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - German language and literature since 1700 (Lehrgebiet)


University of St Andrews - Department of German, University of St Andrews - Buchanan Building, The University, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9PH


Besondere Forschungsgebiete 19th-c. German and Austrian literature, esp. Grillparzer and Storm

Monographien Grillparzer's Aesthetic Theory: A Study with Special Reference to his Conception of the Drama as 'eine Gegenwart' (1979).

Aufsätze und Beiträge Grillparzer and the Realist Tradition (FMLS, 1977), also in Austrian Life and Literature 1780-1938 (ed. P. Branscombe) (1978). Tragic Guilt and the Motivation of the Catastrophe in Storm's Aquis submersus (FMLS, 1982). Grillparzer's Romantic Tragedy: Des Meeres und der Liebe Wellen and A.W. Schlegel's Wiener Vorlesungen über dramatische Kunst und Literatur, in From Vormärz to Fin de Siècle, Essays in Nineteenth Century Austrian Literature (ed. M.G. Ward) (1986). Characterisation and narrative technique in Grillparzer's Der arme Spielmann und Storm's Ein stiller Musikant (GLL, 1991). German Studies: Literature 1830-1880 (YWMLS, 1993-5). A critical comparison of Grillparzer's Das Kloster bei Sendomir and Hauptmann's Elga, in Order from Confusion: Essays Presented to Edward McInnes (ed. A. Deighton) (1995). Death in Venice: The tragedy of a man and a city in Paul Heyse's Andrea Delfin (CollGerm, 1996). Articles on G.L.T. Kosegarten and F.W.B. von Ramdohr in The Dictionary of Art (ed. J.Shoaf Turner) (1996).


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