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Richard William SHEPPARD

Geb. 1944, Oxford, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - German literature 1500 to the present day; 20th-c. European literature; Inter-disciplinary studies (Lehrgebiet)


University of Oxford - Faculty of Modern Languages, University of Oxford - 47 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JF


Besondere Forschungsgebiete European Modernism; Literature and politics in Germany 1917-23;The fool and carnival in German literature; Academic fiction

Monographien On Kafka's Castle (1973). Tankred Dorst's Toller: A Case-Study in Reception (1990). Ernst Stadler (1993-1914): A German Expressionist at Oxford (1994). Avantgarde und Arbeiterdichter in den Hauptorganen der deutschen Linken 1917-1922: Eine analytische Bibliographie (1995). Modernism - Dada - Postmodernism (1998*).

Aufsätze und Beiträge Rilke's Duineser Elegien: A critical appreciation in the light of Eliot's Four Quartets (GLL, 1967). Lessing, Gerstenberg and Ugolino (FMLS, 1971). Georg Trakl's Grodek (ML, 1971). Two Liberals: A comparison of the Humanism of Matthew Arnold and Wilhelm von Humboldt (GLL, 1971). The narrative structure of Grimmelshausen's Simplicissimus (FMLS, 1972). Hugo Ball an Käthe Brodnitz: Bisher unveröffentlichte Briefe und Kurzmitteilungen aus den Dada-Jahren (JbDSG, 1972). The decay of the formal garden: From late Romanticism to Expressionism (CollGerm, 1972). Kafka's Ein Hungerkünstler (GQ, 1973). From the Neue Gedichte to the Duineser Elegien: Rilke's Chandos crisis (MLR, 1973). The vision of Dada through the eyes of Raoul Hausmann (Apeiros, 1974). Kandinsky's abstract drama Der gelbe Klang (FMLS, 1975). From grotesque realism to Expressionism: A second turning-point in the poetry of Georg Heym (NGS, 1975). Kandinsky's early aesthetic theory: Some examples of its influence and some implications for the theory and practice of abstract poetry (JES, 1975). Hugo Ball's Totenklage: A variant version (NGS, 1976). Nine short unpublished items by Raoul Hausmann from the Dada years (Sprache im technischen Zeitalter, 1976). Sixteen forgotten items by Hugo Ball from the pre-Dada years (GLL, 1976). German Expressionism, in Modernism (ed. M. Bradbury et al.) (1976). The Crisis of Language (ibid.). German expressionist poetry (ibid.). Ferdinand Hardekopf und Dada (JbDGS, 1976). The Trial/The Castle: Towards an analytical comparison, in The Kafka Debate (ed. A. Flores) (1977). Jakob van Hoddis's literary remains (LJb, 1977). Brief von Hugo Ball an Fritz Brupbacher vom 1. August 1915 (Hugo Ball Almanach, 1977). Hugo Balls Doktorarbeit Nietzsche in Basel (ibid., 1978). Dada: A chronology, in Dada Artifacts (ed. S. Foster et al.) (1978). Brief von Hugo Ball an Wassily Kandinsky vom 26. Juni 1914 (Hugo Ball Almanach, 1978). Dada and mysticism: Influences and affinities, in Dada Spectrum (ed. S. Foster et al.) (1979). Dada - A select bibliography (ibid.). Dada and Politics (JES, 1979). Dada and Expressionism (PEGS, 1979). What is Dada? (OL, 1979). Das Schloß: Ein Forschungsbericht, in Kafka-Handbuch (ed. H. Binder) (1979). Kandinsky's Klänge (GLL, 1980). Bibliographie der Veröffentlichungen Raoul Hausmanns, in Am Anfang war Dada (2nd edition, ed. K. Riha et al.) (1980). Julius Evola, Futurism and Dada: A case of double misunderstanding, in New Studies in Dada: Essays and Documents (ed. R. Sheppard) (1981). Dada: A chronology (ibid.). Dada und Futurismus, in Sinn aus Unsinn - Dada International (ed. W. Paulsen) (1982). Von den Neuen Gedichten zu den Duineser Elegien: Rilkes Chandos-Krise, in Rilkes Duineser Elegien (ed. U. Fülleborn et al.) (1982). The expressionist literary cabaret GNU (1911-1914) (DVLG, 1982). Kurt Schwitters und Dada (Kurt Schwitters Almanach, 1982). Tricksters, Carnival and the magical figures of Dada poetry (FMLS, 1983). The early reception of the expressionist anthology Der Kondor (LJb, 1983). Raoul Hausmann's annotations of Die Aktion: Marginal notes on some contributory sources to Dada in Berlin (GLL, 1983). Kurt Schwitters and Dada: Some preliminary remarks on a complex topic, in Dada-Constructivism (ed. A. Juda) (1984). Richard Huelsenbeck, Dada and psychoanalysis (LJb, 1985). The poetry of August Stramm: A suitable case for deconstruction (JES, 1985). Expressionism and Vorticism, in Festschrift for James Walter McFarlane (ed. J. Garton) (1985). Unholy families: The oedipal psychopathology of four expressionist Ich-Dramen (OL, 1986). The dating of the contributions to Der Kondor, in Expressionism in Focus (ed. R. Sheppard) (1987). Wyndham Lewis's Tarr: An (anti-)vorticist novel (JEGP, 1989). From apollonian realism to dionysiac modernism: An analytical comparison of Tonio Kröger and Der Tod in Venedig (OGS, 1989/90). Kandinsky's oeuvre 1900-1914: The avant-garde as rear-guard (Word and Image, 1990). Upstairs - downstairs: Some reflections on German literature in the light of Bakhtin's theory of carnival, in New Ways in Germanistik (ed. R. Sheppard) (1990). From Narragonia to Elysium: Some preliminary observations on the image of the academic in European and North American fiction, in University Fiction (ed. D. Bevan) (1990). Kurt Eisner's literary remains: A forgotten check-list from the 1930s (GLL, 1991). Kafka, Kierkegaard and the K.'s: Theology, psychology and fiction (Journal of Literature and Theology, 1991). Artists, intellectuals and the USDP 1917-1922 (LJb, 1991), also in German Writers and Politics (ed. R. Dove et al.) (1992). Straightening long-playing records: The early politics of Berta Lask and Friedrich Wolf (GLL, 1992). Die Protokolle von zwei Sitzungen des Revolutionären Zentralrats in München am 12. und 16. April 1919 (LJb, 1992). The foundation of Max Reinhardt's 'Verein Das junge Deutschland' and the wartime reception of Reinhard Goering's Die Seeschlacht (GLL, 1993). The problematics of European Modernism, in Theorizing Modernism (ed. S. Giles) (1993). German language teaching and the great standards debate (GT, 1993). Insanity, violence and cultural criticism: some further thoughts on four expressionist short stories (FMLS, 1994). Realism plus mythology: a reconsideration of the problem of 'Verfall' in Thomas Mann's Buddenbrooks (MLR, 1994). Kafka's 'Vor dem Gesetz': Hermeneutic pluralism and the significance of uninterpretability, in Kafka's 'Vor dem Gesetz': Aufsätze und Materialien (ed. M. Voigts) (1994). (with A. Kramer) Raoul Hausmann's correspondence with Eugene Jolas (GLL, 1995). The cultural policy of the SPD and its reception of the avant-garde 1917-1922 (IASL, 1995). Georg Lukács, Wilhelm Worringer and German Expressionism (JES, 1995). Three unpublished letters by Johannes R. Becher to Lu Märten, in Essays in Memory of Michael Parkinson and Janine Dakyns (ed. C. Smith) (1996). Modernism, language and experimental poetry: on leaping over bannisters and learning how to fly (MLR, 1997). 'Der Schauspieler greift in die Politik!': five actors and the German Revolution 1918-1922 (MuK, 1997*). Proletarische Feierstunden and the early history of the Sprechchor (IASL, 1997*).


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