German poetry and the German poetic tradition 18th-present
GDR literature
German literature since 1989
Gender and literature
Brecht: Rilke
Contemporary poetry
The Young Brecht (1992)
Breaking Boundaries: A New Generation of Poets in the GDR (1996)
Spectres of the GDR: The Haunting of the Berlin Republic (2019)
The Fifth Dimension: Contemporary Poetry in German (2022).
Aufsätze und Beiträge
The Ninth Elegy, in Rainer Maria Rilke's Duino Elegies (ed. R. Paulin et al.) (1996)
'Modern German Poetry', in Cambridge Companion to Modern German Culture (ed. E. Kolinsky et al.) (1998)
German Poetry after 1945, in A History of Women's Writing in German from the Middle Ages to the Present Day (ed. J. Catling) (1998)
'"B.B.s spät gedenkend": Reading Brecht in the 1980s and 1990s', Brecht 100<=>2000, Brecht Yearbook 24(1999)
Contemporary poems of the First World War by Thomas Kling and Raoul Schrott', in Cultural Memory and Historical Consciousness in the German-Speaking World since 1500 ed. by Christian Emden and David Midgley (2004)
'"Time, Love and Literature!": The Work of Elegy in the Poetry of Evelyn Schlag', Austrian Studies, 12: The Austrian Lyric (2004)
'"spritzende brocken: der erinnerung / versteht sich": Thomas Kling's poetry of memory', FMLS, No. 2, vol. 41 (2005)
'Sarah Kirsch', in Deutschsprachige Lyriker des 20. Jahrhunderts, ed. by Ursula Heukenkamp and Peter Geist (2006)
'"Übungen der Zugewandtheit": Ulrike Draesner's Poetics of Correspondence', in Leeder, ed., Schaltstelle (2007)
Introduction: "Schreiben am Schnittpunkt": The Place of Contemporary German Poetry', in Leeder ed., Schaltstelle (2007)
'"Nachwort zu Brechts Tod": The Afterlife of a Classic in Modern German Poetry' in Brecht und der Tod / Brecht and Death,Brecht Yearbook / Brecht Jahrbuch, 32, (2007)
'Heimat in der neuen deutschen Lyrik' in Gedächtnis und Identität: Die deutsche Literatur nach der Vereinigung, ed. by Fabrizio Cambi (2008)
'The Desire of the Angel: Myth, Message and Metaphor in Contemporary German Literature and Film', in Third Agents: Secret Protagonists of the Modern Imagination, ed. by Bernhard Malkmus and Ian Cooper (2008)
'Eine Grammatik der Liebe. Ulrike Draesners Lyrik', in Familien, Geschlechter, Macht : Beziehungen im Werk Ulrike Draseners, ed. by Stephanie Catani and Friedhelm Marx (2008)
'"Last Dances": Reading Grass through Adorno and Said', in Changing the Nation: Günter Grass in International Perspective, ed. by Frank Brunssen and Rebecca Braun (2008)
'"Des toten Dichters gedenkend": Remembering Brecht in Contemporary German Poetry', in Robert Gillett and Godela Weiss-Sussex, eds, 'Verwisch die Spuren'. Bertolt Brecht's Work and Legacy. A Reassessment (2008)
'Günter Grass: The Poetry', in Cambridge Companion to Günter Grass, ed. by Stuart Taberner (2009)
'"Totentänze": Volker Braun's Late Poems - Postscript on the End of Utopia', in Dislocation and Reorientation: Exile, Division and the End of Communism in German Culture and Politics, ed. Pól O'Dochartaigh, Alex Goodbody and Dennis Tate, Festschrift for Ian Wallace (2009)
‘Rilke’s Legacy in the English-Speaking World’, in Cambridge Companion to Rilke, ed. by Karen Leeder and Robert Vilain (2009)
‘Ingeborg Bachmann as poet and myth: a case study in cultural impact’, in Cultural Impact in the German Context: Studies in Transmission, Reception and Influence, ed. by Rebecca Braun and Lyn Marven (2010)
‘Lateness and Late Style in Brecht’s last poetry’, in Brecht and the GDR: Politics, Culture, Posterity, ed. Laura Bradley and Karen Leeder(2011)
Dances of Death: A last Literature from the GDR’, in Twenty Years On: Competing Memories of the GDR in Post-Unification German Culture, ed. by Renate Rechtien and Dennis Tate (2011)
‘“After the Massacre of Illusions”: Specters of the GDR in the work of Volker Braun’ in Re- Imaging the Nation? Transformations of German Cultural Identity since 1989, ed. by Anne Fuchs, special edition of New German Critique no 116 (Spring 2012)
‘“Nihilimus und Musik”: Gottfried Benn (1886-1956) – The Unlikely Expressionist’, Oxford German Studies (special edition on Expressionism, ed. by Ritchie Robertson) 42.1 (2013), 23- 37
‘“Das Gen des Todes”: Altersstil, Spätstil und Spätsein bei Gottfried Benn’, in Benn Forum. Beiträge zur literarischen Moderne, Bd. 3 (2012/2013), ed. by Joachim Dyck, Hermann Korte, Nadine Jessica Schmidt (Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 2013, 193-211
‘Durs Grünbein and the Poetry of Science’, in Durs Grünbein: A Companion, ed. Michael Eskin, Karen Leeder, Christopher Young (2013)
‘“Argo Cargo”: The Role of the Classical Past in Contemporary German Poetry’, An Odyssey for our time. Barbara Köhler's Niemands Frau, ed. by Georgina Paul, German Monitor 78 (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2013), pp. 19-50, ISBN 978-90-420-3765-6