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Francis John LAMPORT

Geb. 1935, Oxford, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - 18th-20th-c. literature (esp. Goethezeit) (Lehrgebiet)


University of Oxford - Faculty of Modern Languages, University of Oxford - 47 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JF


Besondere Forschungsgebiete Classical drama; Metrics

Monographien A student's guide to Goethe (1971). Lessing and Drama (1981). German Classical Drama (1990).

Aufsätze und Beiträge Eine bürgerliche Virginia (GLL, 1964). Utopia and 'Robinsonade': Schnabel's Insel Felsenburg and Bachstorm's Land der Inquiraner (OGS, 1966). Lessing and the 'Bürgerliches Trauerspiel', in The discontinuous tradition (ed. P.F. Ganz) (1971). 'Entfernten Weltgetöses Widerhall': Politics in Goethe's plays (PEGS, 1974). Patzke's Virginia (NGS, 1980). The Silence of Wilhelm Tell (MLR, 1981). Direction, which thou canst not see: Chance, Providence and Faith in Lessing (OGS, 1981). Papageno in Weimar, in The Third Dimension. Voices from Radio 3 (ed. P. French) (1983). Synchrony and Diachrony in Faust (OGS, 1984). The Charismatic Hero: Goethe, Schiller and the Tragedy of Character (PEGS, 1989). Faust-Vorspiel und Wallenstein-Prolog (Euph, Sonderheft Goethe, 1989). The Death of Emilia Galotti: A Reconsideration (GLL, 1990). Krise und Legitimitätsanspruch: Maria Stuart als Geschichtstragödie (ZDP, Sonderheft Schiller, 1990). A Family Portrait in a Royal Household: Don Carlos from Schiller to Verdi, in Don Carlos (ENO Opera Guide) (1992). Goethe's Tasso: the Poet and the Golden Age (PEGS, 1994). Wallenstein on the English Stage (GLL, 1995). Goethe, Ossian and Werther, in From Gaelic to Romantic: Ossianic Translations (ed. H. Gaskill et al.) (1997*).


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