Elizabeth Janet BOA
Geb. 1939, Nottingham, Großbritannien/Nordirland
German Studies (Fachgebiet) - Opposition in the GDR; East German intellectuals since German unification; Conservative revolution; New Right in Germany (Lehrgebiet)
University of Nottingham - Department of Modern Languages & Cultures, The University of Nottingham - University Park, Nottingham NG8 2RD
Besondere Forschungsgebiete Opposition in the GDR; East German intellectuals since German unification; Conservative revolution; New Right in Germany
Monographien Ernst Jünger and the Nature of Political Commitment (1982). Opposition in the GDR under Honecker, 1971-85 (1986). The Conservative Revolution in the Weimar Republic (1996).
Aufsätze und Beiträge East German Intellectuals in Opposition (Survey, 1984). East Berlin and the 'Alternative Political Culture': Some Continuities (CGS, 1987). Opposition or 'Alternative Political Culture'? (East Central Europe, 1987-1988). Die neuen Nationalisten und ihre Einstellung zum 1. Weltkrieg (Krieg und Literatur, 1989). The Conservative Revolution and the First World War (MLR, 1990). The Old GDR Opposition in the New Germany (GDR Bulletin, 1992). Public Judgement versus Private Reflection: Critical East German Intellectuals as Interpreters of the Past (GMon, 1994). The Significance of East German Intellectuals in Opposition, in Honecker's Germany (ed. D. Childs) (1985). The Radical Right: The 'Conservative Revolutionaries' in Germany, in The Nature of the Right (ed. R. Eatwell et al.) (1989). Civil Society, Critical Intellectuals and Public Opinion in the new Bundesländer, in The End of the GDR and the Problems of Integration (ed. M. Gerber et al.) (1993). The East German Contribution to German Identity, in Understanding the Past, Managing the Future: The Integration of the Five New Länder into the Federal Republic of Germany (ed. M. Gerber et al.) (1994). Konservative Revolution und Nationalsozialismus in der Weimarer Republik, in Intellektuelle in der Weimarer Republik (ed. W. Bialas et al.) (1996). 'Nuancen und Zwischentöne' versus 'muskelprotzende Prosa': Autobiography and the Project of Explaining 'How it Was' in the GDR, in Changing Identities in East Germany (ed. R. Woods et al.) (1996). Zwischen politischem Programm und Aktivismus: Konservative Revolution, Nationalsozialismus und Neue Rechte, in Sehnsucht nach Schicksal und Tiefe. Der Geist der Konservativen Revolution (ed. V. Eickhoff et al.). (with J. Shields et al.) Extreme right-wing parties and the European Union: France, Germany and Italy, in Political Parties and the European Union (ed. J. Gaffney) (1996).