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David Malcolm BLAMIRES

Geb. 1936, Manchester, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Ältere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - Sprachwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - Medieval German literature; History of the German language; Folktales and fairytales; Modern German literature (Lehrgebiet)


University of Manchester - Department of German, University of Manchester - Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL


Besondere Forschungsgebiete Medieval German literature; Volksbücher, Folktales and fairytales; Children's literature.

Monographien Characterization and individuality in Wolfram's 'Parzival' (1966). David Jones: artist and writer (1971, 1978). Herzog Ernst and the otherworld voyage (1979). Alphabet books (1987). Adults' alphabets (1990). Happily ever after. Fairytale books through the ages (1992). Fortunatus in his many English Guises (1996).

Aufsätze und Beiträge Konrad von Würzburg's verse 'Novellen', in Mediaeval Miscellany presented to Eugène Vinaver (1965). The geography of Kudrun (MLR, 1966). Recent work on medieval German 'Märendichtung' (MLR, 1970). Eckhart and Tauler: a comparison of their sermons on 'Homo quidam fecit cenam magnam' (MLR, 1971). The sources and literary structure of Wigamur, in Essays in Mediaeval Languages and Literatures in Memory of F. Whitehead (1973). Sexual comedy in the Mären of Hans Rosenplüt (Trivium, 1976). 'pherierlin' in Der wilde Alexander's Kindheitslied (Medium Aevum, 1976). The challenge of fairytales to literary studies (Critical Quarterly, 1979). From German chapbook to English fairytale: Three centuries of Fortunatus in English (Toronto, Osborne Collection, 1980). Reflections on some recent Ulenspiegel studies (MLR, 1982). Hans Folzens Die Wahrsagebeeren als Quelle für Ulenspiegel, Historie 35 (ZDA, 1982). The German Arthurian prose romances in their literary context, in The Changing Face of Arthurian Romance. Essays in memory of Cedric E. Pickford (1986). Eine bisher unbeachtete Quelle für Ulenspiegel, Historie 16 (ZDA, 1987). Konrad's Herzmaere im Kontext der Geschichten vom gegessenen Herzen (JOWG, 1988/89). Fairytale analogues to Der arme Heinrich, in Hartmann von Aue (ed. T. McFarland et al.) (1988). Eulenspiegel in englischer Sprache (Eulenspiegel-Jb., 1989). The early reception of the Grimms' Kinder- und Hausmärchen in England (BJRUL, 1989). British knowledge of German before The High Dutch Minerva (GLL, 1989/90). The portrayal of towns in sixteenth-century German Volksbücher (BJRUL, 1990). Tauler and Eckhart marginalia in a copy of Theologia Teutsch (1518) (ibid., 1991). Folktales and fairytales in the Middle Ages (ibid., 1992). An English chapbook version of the 'eaten heart' story (Folklore, 1992/93). Some German and English political travesties of Struwwelpeter, in Connections (ed. P. Skrine et al.) (1993). Christoph von Schmid's religious tales for children: German and English versions (BJRUL, 1994). Victim heroines in Hans Sachs's plays, in Hans Sachs and Folk Theatre in the late Middle Ages (ed. R. Aylett et al.) (1995). Politics, religion and family values in English children's versions of the William Tell story (New Comparison, 1995). Robin Hood, in Medieval myths: rulers, saints and heroes (ed. U. Müller et al.) (1996). Tieck's Däumchen: some notes on sources (MLR, 1996). Der Quäker. Ein deutsches Kinderbuch aus dem neunzehnten Jahrhundert befaßt sich mit dem Quäkertum (Der Quäker, 1996). Chapbooks, fairytales and children's books in the writings of John Clare (John Clare Society Journal, 1996, 1997). How and what Victorian and Edwardian children learnt about German history (Paradigm, 1997).


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