Logo Germanistenverzeichnis

Patricia Anne HOWE

Geb. 1941, London, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - Sprachwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - German language and literature, esp. 19th- and 20th-c.; Women's writing (Lehrgebiet)


Queen Mary University of London, Modern Languages and Cultures, School of Languages, Linguistics and Film, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS


Besondere Forschungsgebiete German language and literature, esp. 19th- and 20th-c.; Women's writing

Aufsätze und Beiträge The Child as Metaphor in the Novels of Fontane (OGS, 1979). Hofmannsthal and Keats, in Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Commemorative Essays (ed. W.E. Yuill et al.) (1981). Fontane's 'Ellernklipp' and the Theme of Adoption (MLR, 1984). The image of the past in Ferdinand von Saar's Novellen, in Ferdinand von Saar. Wegbereiter der literarischen Moderne (ed. K.K. Polheim) (1985). End of a line: Anzengruber and the Viennese Stage, in Viennese Popular Theatre (ed. W.E. Yates et al.) (1985). Reality and Imagination in Fontane's Irrungen, Wirrungen (GLL, 1985). Ewige Dauer zwischen so viel Beweglichem: Aspects of the Ehe-Roman (PEGS, 1987). Mortality and Mercy in Vienna: Moral relativism in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure and Schnitzler's Das weite Land, in Patterns of Change (ed. D. James et al.) (1990). Du sollst mein Bild in Reimen lesen: on poems as portraits, in Women's Image of Women compared to Men's Image of Women in German Literature (Galway Colloquium, 1991). Faces and fortunes: ugly heroines in Stifter's Brigitta, Fontane's Schach von Wuthenow and Saar's Sappho (GLL, 1991). Eingebrochen am Parnasse: Annette von Droste-Hülshoff and the problem of poetic identity (GLL, 1993). Realism and Moral Design, in Realism in Perspective (ed. M.G. Ward) (1995). Models of Time in Saar's Schloß Kostenitz, in Ferdinand von Saar (ed. K. Bergel) (1995). 'Das Beste sind Reisebeschreibungen': Mid-nineteenth-century women travellers and their texts, in Reisen im Diskurs (ed. A. Fuchs et al.) (1995). 'This world of diamonds and mud': German women travellers in London, 1846-1854, in Exilanten und andere Deutsche in Fontanes London (ed. P. Alter et al.) (1996).


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