John James WHITE
Geb. 1940, London, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - Modern German literature (Lehrgebiet)
University of London, King's College - Department of German, King's College London - Strand, London WC2R 2LS
Besondere Forschungsgebiete Modern German literature
Monographien Mythology in the Modern Novel. A Study of Prefigurative Techniques (1971). Literary Futurism. Aspects of the First Avant-Garde (1990). Bertolt Brecht: 'Leben des Galilei' (1997).
Aufsätze und Beiträge Franz Kafka's Das Urteil (DVLG, 1964). Broch, Virgil and the Cycle of History (GRM, 1966). The Game of Bridge as an Image in Hofmannsthal's Der Schwierige (GLL, 1966). Mathematical Imagery in Musil's Young Törless and Zamyatin's We (CL, 1966). History and Cruelty in Peter Weiss's Marat/Sade (MLR, 1968). Myths and Patterns in the Modern Novel (Mosaic, 1969). The Identity and Function of Bertrand in Hermann Broch's Die Schlafwandler (GLL, 1971). Goethe in the Machine. Georges Perec's Computer-based Exercises with the Repertoire of 'Über allen Gipfeln' (PEGS, 1971). A Re-Appraisal of the Treatment of Aestheticism in Hofmannsthal's Der Tod des Tizian (NGS, 1974). Signs of Disturbance. The Semiological Import of Recent Fiction by Michel Tournier and Peter Handke (JES, 1974). The Argument for a Semiotic Approach to Shaped Writing (Visible Language, 1975). Georg Bendemann's Friend in Russia: Symbolic Correspondences, in The Problem of 'The Judgment' (ed. A. Flores) (1977). Hesse-Rezeption in Großbritannien, in Hermann Hesses weltweite Wirkung (ed. M. Pfeifer) (1977). The Importance of Settings in Horváth's Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald, in Symposium on Ö. v. Horváth (ed. M. Swales) (1977). (with I.A. White) Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor, in The Kafka Debate (ed. A. Flores) (1977). Mythological Fiction and the Reading Process (Yearbook of Comparative Criticism, 1978). Macdonald Harris's Trepleff (Contemporary Literary Criticism, 1978). Wahrheit und Lüge in Jurek Beckers Jacob der Lügner (ABNG, 1978). Horst Bienek's Die Zelle: Novel and film (GLL, 1979). German literature, 1880 - present day (YWMLS, 1977-81). 'Verschmutzt mit den Bakterien des Barocken'. H.C. Artmann's 17th-century pastiches (GLL, 1980). (with I.A. White) F.C. Müller-Lyer's importance for Der Zauberberg (MLR, 1980). Hofmannsthal and Musset, in Hugo von Hofmannsthal (ed. W.E. Yuill et al.) (1982). The cult of 'functional poetry' during the Weimar Period, in Weimar Germany, Writers and Politics (ed. A. Bance) (1982). Entries in A Glossary of German Literary Terms (ed. E.W. Herd et al.) (1982, rev. ed. 1992). Novalis's Heinrich von Ofterdingen and the aesthetics of 'Offenbarung' (PEGS, 1983). 'Berühmt und unbekannt'. Musil's Correspondence (GLL, 1984). Brecht's Leben des Galilei. The 'Physikerdrama' as 'Modell' (ML, 1984). Eye-cellation, in Über Arno Schmidt (ed. H.-M. Bock) (1984). The cyclical aspect of Kafka's short story collections, in Paths and Labyrinths (ed. J.P. Stern et al.) (1986). Arno Schmidt's Fouqué-Reception, in Deutsche Romantik und das 20.Jahrhundert (ed. H. Castein et al.) (1986). Elias Canetti: O masach i wladzy (Libertas, 1986). (with I.A. White) The Place of Josef Knecht's 'Lebensläufe' in Hermann Hesse's Das Glasperlenspiel (MLR, 1986). (with I.A. White) 'Die Vermächtnisse von Schloß Launceston'. Darstellung und Überwindung des Bösen in H.G. Adlers Roman Panorama, in Zu Hause im Exil (ed. H. Hubmann et al.) (1987). Zur Struktur von Hermann Broch's Huguenau oder die Sachlichkeit (GLL, 1987). Mathematical Imagery in Zamyatin's We, in Zamyatin's We (ed. G. Kern) (1988). Sexual Mecca, Nazi Metropolis, City of Doom. English, Irish and American Reactions to the Berlin of the Inter-War Years, in Berlin - Literary Images of a City (ed. D. Glass et al.) (1989). 'Wir hängen nicht vom Gehänge ab'. Grass and the Body, in Günter Grass's 'Der Butt' (ed. P. Brady et al.) (1990). Hermann Burger, in Rejection and Emancipation (ed. M. Butler et al.) (1991). F.T. Marinetti's Le soir, couchée dans son lit, elle relisait la lettre de son artilleur au front (1919): Genesis and Interpretation, in Visuelle Poesie im historischen Wandel (ed. J.D. Adler et al.) (1992). The Fictions of Andreas Okopenko, in From High Priests to Desecrators (ed. M. McGowan et al.) (1992). (with I.A. White) The Devil's Devices in Chamisso's Peter Schlemihl (GLL, 1992). Thomas Mann, in A Reference Guide to Short Fiction (ed. N. Watson) (1994). An Unresolved Enigma in Böll's Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum (GLL, 1994). Iwan Goll's Relationship to Futurism and Orphism, in Yvan Goll - Claire Goll (ed. E. Robertson et al.) (1997). Brecht and Semiotics, in Bertolt Brecht. Centenary Essays (ed. S. Giles et al.) (1997). Italian Futurism and German Expressionism, in International Futurism in Arts and Literature (ed. G. Berghaus) (1997). (With I. A. White) Chamisso, in The Encyclopedia of Literary Translation (ed. O. Classe) (1997*). Entries in The Encyclopedia of Contemporary German Culture (ed. J. Sandford) (1997*). Herta Müller and Totalitarianism, in Herta Müller (ed. B. Haines) (1997). War, Dissidence and Protest in Böll's Early Fiction, in Heinrich Böll on Page and Screen (ed. L. Huber) (1997*).