Martin Leonard DAVIES
Geb. 1948, Leicester, Großbritannien/Nordirland - German and French literature since the Enlightenment; Comparative literature (Lehrgebiet)
University of Leicester - Department of German, University of Leicester - University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH
Besondere Forschungsgebiete History of ideas since the Enlightenment; Aesthetic and cultural theory
Monographien Identity or History? Marcus Herz and the End of the Enlightenment (1995).
Aufsätze und Beiträge Some Aspects of the Theme of Representation and Reality in the Works of Jean Paul (GLL, 1976). Romain Rolland: A French Interpretation of German Liberal Humanism, in Gedenkschrift for Viktor Poznanski (ed. C.A.M. Noble) (1981). The Theme of Communication in Anton Reiser: A Reflection on the Feasibility of the Enlightenment (OGS, 1981). Notes on Aesthetic and Moral Integrity in Jean Paul (N, 1982). Die Authentizität der Erfahrung: Jean Pauls Gestalt Leibgeber-Schoppe (Aurora, 1982). The Theme of Communication in Anton Reiser: A Reflection on the Feasibility of the Enlightenment, in Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800 (ed. D. Poupard) (1985). Karl Philipp Moritz's Erfahrungsseelenkunde: Its Social and Intellectual Origins (OGS, 1985). Orpheus or Clio? Reflections on the Use of History (JES, 1987). Theodor Lessing und die deutsche Kultur (Der Pfahl, 1987). A Common Battlefield: Poland and Germany (Oxford Magazine, 1988). Another Way of Being: Leisure and the Possibility of Privacy, in Concepts of Leisure (ed. T. Winnifrith et al.) (1989). History as Narcissism (JES, 1989). 'Eine Reinkultur des Todestriebes' - Rilke's poetry and the end of history, in Rilke und der Wandel der Sensibilität (ed. H. Herzmann et al.) (1990). Die bedenkliche Geschichte (angebote, 1990). Zwischen Eros und Thanatos: Zur Wissenschaftsauffassung der Romantik, in Die literarische Romantik und die Wissenschaften (ed. N.D.B. Saul) (1991). The Practice and Theory of Sociability: Henriette Herz and Friedrich Schleiermacher (New Athenaeum. Neues Athenaeum, 1991). The Classical Period (YWMLS, 1991-94). Weimar Culture, in Domesticity and Dissent. The Role of Women Artists in Germany 1918-1938 (Exhibition Catalogue) (1992). Scientific innovation and the end of the Enlightenment: Marcus Herz (1747-1803) and the vaccination controversy in Prussia, in Transactions of the Eighth International Congress on the Enlightenment: Bristol 1991 (1993). What can be said? For a functional definition of the human sciences (Higher Education Review, 1993). Portraits of a lady: variations on Henriette Herz (Women Writers of the Age of Goethe, 1993). The History of Ideas: Problems of Definition, Questions of Method (Notebooks. Working Papers in Humanities, 1995). Moritz und die aufklärerische Berliner Medizin, in Karl Philipp Moritz und das 18. Jahrhundert (ed. M. Fontius et al.) (1995). University culture or intellectual culture?, in The University in a Liberal State (ed. R. Brecher et al.) (1996). Reason and revulsion: Marcus Herz and the Enlightenment (GLL, 1996). The Berlin Jewish Enlightenment: anticipating the experience of modernity, in Transactions of the Ninth International Conference on the Enlightenment (*).