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Ingrid Elizabeth SHARP

Geb. 1959, Senior Lecturer seit 1989, Leeds, Großbritannien/Nordirland

German Studies (Fachgebiet) - Gender history; erster Weltkrieg und Weimarer Republik; DDR-Geschichte und Literatur; Uebersetzung. (Lehrgebiet)


University of Leeds - Leeds LS2 9JT

Department of German, Russian and Slavonic Studies


Andere dienstliche Anschrift Department of German, Russian and Slavonic Studies


Besondere Forschungsgebiete Geschichte der deutschen Frauenbewegung 1865-1945; Gendergeschichte; Frauen in der DDR vor und nach der Wende.

Aufsätze und Beiträge 2008 'Representations of male inadequacy in the "Geschlechtertausch" stories of the German Democratic Republic.'Edinburgh German Yearbook 2 Masculinity and German Culture Edited by Sarah Colvin and Peter Davies; (2007) 'Blaming the Women: Women's 'Responsibility' for the First World War' . In: A.S. Fell and I.E. Sharp (eds.) The Women's Movement in Wartime: International Perspectives, 1914-1919, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.86-109; (2006) 'Dangerous Women: Woman as Sexual Criminal in Weimar Germany.' In: Helen Chambers (ed.) Violence, Culture and Identity in Germany and Austria, Peter Lang, pp.203-224.; (2003) 'Riding the Tiger: Ambivalent Representations of the New Woman in the Periodicals of the Weimar Republic.' In: M. Beetham, A. Heilmann (ed.) New Woman Hybridities: Femininity, Feminism, and International Consumer Culture, 1880-1930, Routledge, pp.118-142.; (2004) 'The Sexual Unification of Germany' . Journal of the History of Sexuality, 13(3), pp.348-365.; (2001) "'Frauen und Fraß': German Women in Wartime" . In: Peter Liddle, John Bourne and Ian Whitehead (eds.) The Great World War 1914-45 (Volume 2), 2 , HarperCollins , pp.74-94.; Sharp, I.E. (2006) 'Gender Relations in Weimar Berlin' . In: C. Schoenfeld, C. Finnan (ed.) Practicing Modernity. Female Creativity in the Weimar Republic, , Königshausen und Neumann; (2000) 'At a Moral Crossroads: Vom Leben getötet and the Regulation of Sexuality in the Weimar Republic.' . In: Christiane Schoenfeld (ed.) Commodities of Desire: The Prostitute in German Literature, Camden House, pp.191-210.


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