Dr. Anthony Edward WAINE
Geb. 1946, Senior Lecturer seit 2000, Lancaster, Großbritannien/Nordirland
German Studies (Fachgebiet) - Modern German Literature; Modern German Culture and Society; European Studies; German Language (Lehrgebiet)
Lancaster University - Department of European Languages and Cultures (German Studies), Lancaster University - Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YN
- #Historische Kulturwissenschaft
- #Genderforschung
- #Landeskunde/'German Studies'
- #Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert, Exilliteratur, Literatur seit 1945
- #Komparatistische Literaturforschung
- #Literatur und andere Künste
- #Theaterwissenschaft, Theatergeschichte, Theatertheorie
- #Trivialliteratur
- #Deutsch als Fremdsprache, interkulturelle Kommunikation
Besondere Forschungsgebiete
- Comparative Cultural Studies
- Modern German Writers and Popular Culture
- German Cultural History
- Modern European Theatre
- Anna Seghers
- #Martin Walser
- #Rolf Dieter Brinkmann
- Martin Walser: The Development as Dramatist 1950-1970 (1978)
- Martin Walser (1980)
- Changing Cultural Tastes: Writers and the Popular in Modern Germany (2007)
Aufsätze und Beiträge
- (with W. Barry) An Advanced Level Language Laboratory Remedial Grammar Course (LB, 1970)
- The Use of Integrated Materials in Advanced Language Teaching (AVLJ, 1972)
- Productive Paradoxes and Parallels in Martin Walser's Seelenarbeit (GLL, 1981)
- The Legacy for German-speaking Playwrights, in Brecht in Perspective (ed. G. Bartram et al.) (1982)
- Introduction to Culture and Society in the GDR (1984)
- The Individual, Power and Politics: A Study of Anna Seghers' Das Siebte Kreuz (Quinquereme, 1985)
- Images of Women in Anna Seghers' Der Ausflug der toten Mädchen (NGS, 1985)
- Literature and the Radio in Post-War Germany: A Portrait of the Süddeutscher Rundfunk (JES, 1986)
- Martin Walser, in The Modern German Novel (ed. K. Bullivant) (1987)
- (with A. Döring) British Popular Culture und die deutsche Literatur, oder: Pop will eat itself - aber noch ist kein Ende in Sicht (Lili, 1987)