Dr. Neil Edwards THOMAS
Geb. 1949, Reader seit 1976, Durham, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Ältere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - Medieval European literature and its reception; Interpreting; Modern German history and culture (Lehrgebiet)
University of Durham - Department of German, School of Modern Languages and Cultures - Unversity of Durham - Elvet Riverside, New Elvet, Durham DH1 3JT
Besondere Forschungsgebiete German and French literature of the Middle Ages: intetertextual relations
- A German View of Camelot: Wirnt von Gravenberg's 'Wigalois' and Arthurian tradition (1987)
- The Medieval German Arthuriad: Some contemporary revaluations of the canon (1989)
- Tristan in the Underworld: A Study of Gottfried's 'Tristan' together with the 'Tristan' of Thomas (1991)
- The Defence of Camelot: Ideology and Intertextuality in the 'post-classical' German romances of the Matter of Britain Cycle (1992)
- Reading the 'Nibelungenlied' (1995)
- 'Diu Crone' and the Medieval Arthurian Cycle (2002)
- The Development of the Tristan and Iseut Legend (2003, co-authored)
- Wirnt von Gravenberg's 'Wigalois'. Intertextuality and Interpretation (2005)
- In preparation: The Gawain Figure in the 'Conte du Graal' and 'Parzival'
- 'Tristan' between Gottfried von Strassburg and Wagner(Handbuch)
- The'Nibelungenlied' and the Ring Cycle' (Handbuch)
Aufsätze und Beiträge
- Konrad von Stoffeln's 'Gauriel von Muntabel': a comment on Hartmann's 'Iwein'? (OGS, 1988)
- The testimony of Saxo Grammaticus and the interpretation of the 'Nibelungenlied' (OGS, 1991/92)
- The 'Nibelungenlied' and the Third Reich in Celtic and Germanic Themes in European Literature, ed. N Thomas (1994), 1994
- The uses and abuses of medieval studies, Durham University JournalLV (1994)
- The reception of the Prose 'Lancelot' in France and Germany' in Nouveaux Mondes, ed Richard Maber (1994)
- The German Language in Europe: Historical and Political Dimensions (paper of Durham Centre for Europen Studies, 1994)
- On German Courtesy. An historical overview, Durham University Journal LV (1994)
- 'Durmart le Galois': a demystified version of the Perceval story'(Paregon 13 (1995);'Der Arme Heinrich': Narrative model and political implication, MLR 90 (1995)