Robert Alasdair BURNS
Geb. 1949, Coventry, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - Medienwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - 19th- and 20th-c. German literature and thought; German politics; German cinema (Lehrgebiet)
University of Warwick - Department of German Studies, University of Warwick - Coventry CV4 7AL
Besondere Forschungsgebiete German extra-parliamentary politics
Monographien (with W. van der Will) Protest and Democracy in West Germany (1988).
Aufsätze und Beiträge The theme of non-conformism in the work of Heinrich Böll, in University of Warwick Occasional Papers in German Studies (ed. K. Bullivant) (1973). Commitment, language and reality: an introduction to the work of Helmut Heißenbüttel, in University of Warwick Occasional Papers in German Studies (1975). Ein schöner Tag: Neuer Realismus oder psychologisierter Naturalismus?, in Der Schriftsteller Dieter Wellershoff (ed. R.H. Thomas) (1975). Wedekind's concept of morality (NGS, 1975). West German Intellectuals and Ideology (New German Critique, 1976). Theory and organisation of revolutionary working-class literature in the Weimar Republic, in Culture and Society in the Weimar Republic (ed. K. Bullivant) (1977). Theorie und Organisation der proletarisch-revolutionären Literatur in der Weimarer Republik, in Das literarische Leben in der Weimarer Republik (ed. K. Bullivant) (1978). Understanding Benjamin (Red Letters, 1978). The Development of the West German Intellectual (NIMLA, 1981). Social Reality and Stylisation in Fear Eats the Soul: Fassbinder's Study in Prejudice (NGS, 1981). Prefigurations of Nazi Culture in the Weimar Republic, in Towards the Holocaust: Fascism and Anti-Semitism in Weimar Germany (ed. M.N. Dobkowski et al.) (1983). (with W. van der Will) Kulturelles Leben in der Arbeiterbewegung, in Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung (ed. T. Meyer) (1984). (with W. van der Will) The Politics of Cultural Struggle, in The Weimar Dilemma (ed. A. Phelan) (1985). Pessimismus des Verstandes - Optimismus des Willens (Debatte, 1985). (with R. Becker) The Women's Movement in the Federal Republic of Germany (CGS, 1987). (with R. Becker) Fernsehspiel und Veränderung. Wunschtraum und Realitätsprinzip in Glücksucher and Flüchtige Bekanntschaften, in Dieter Wellershoff. Studien zu seinem Werk (ed. M. Durzak) (1990). The Plebeians Rehearse the Uprising, in International Dictionary of Theatre (ed. M. Hawkins-Dady) (1992). Work and Class in Contemporary German Literature (CGS, 1993). (with W. van der Will) Angst vor Deutschland? A Review of Recent Literature on the German Question (Debatte, 1993). Fassbinder's Angst essen Seele auf: a Mellow Brechtian Drama (GLL, 1995). Introduction in German Cultural Studies (ed. R. Burns) (1995). (with W. van der Will) The Federal Republic 1968-1990: From the Industrial Society to the Culture Society (ibid.).