Logo Germanistenverzeichnis


Geb. 1945, Canterbury, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - German literature from the 18th c. to the present day (Lehrgebiet)


University of Kent - German Section, School of European Culture and Languages, - University of Kent - Cornwallis Building, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NF


Besondere Forschungsgebiete 20th-c. literature

Monographien Faust and the Bible (1977). Schattenburg. Ein deutsches Textabenteuer (1986). Cryptic Castle. A Text Adventure for Language Learners (1988). Fictions of Germany. Images of the German Nation in the Modern Novel (1994).

Aufsätze und Beiträge Biblical borrowings in Goethe's Faust (MLR, 1977). Die Diskussion über Goethes Clavigo. Ein Beitrag zur Abgrenzung der biographisch orientierten Goetheforschung (GJb, 1979). 'Here comes Everybody'. An Appraisal of Narrative Technique in Günter Grass's Der Butt (MLR, 1980). Partners in Isolation. An Inquiry into some Correspondences between Kafka's Der Verschollene and Pinter's The Caretaker (FMLS, 1980). Shen Te, Shui Ta, and Die drei Sprünge des Wanglun (OGS, 1981). 'Cosmic Laughter', or The Importance of Being Ironical. Reflections on the Narrator of Hermann Hesse's Glasperlenspiel (GLL, 1980/81). Die Vollendung der Liebe: Apocalypse or Utopia?, in Musil in Focus (ed. L. Huber et al.) (1982). Hermann Hesse's Castalia: Republic of Scholars or Police State? (MLR, 1982). The Fortunes of Goethe's Nocturnal Traveller. 'Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh': The Silent Birds, and the Not-so-silent Critics (PEGS, 1984). Echo's Reverberations. Notes on a Painful Incident in Thomas Mann's Doktor Faustus (GLL, 1984). Literaturszene England: Bekanntes bevorzugt (Westermanns Monatshefte, 1984). The Tearful Teacher: Reflections on the Role of Serenus Zeitblom in Thomas Mann's Doktor Faustus (MLR, 1985). Computer Applications for Final-Year Linguists, in Computers and Modern Language Studies (ed. K. Cameron et al.) (1986). The End of Berlin Alexanderplatz. Towards the Terminus of Döblin's Tramway Odyssey (GLL, 1987). Designer Labyrinths. Text Mazes for Language Learners, in Computer Assisted Language Learning (ed. K. Cameron) (1989). Love and Money in Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm (MLR, 1989). Lyrisches Drama, dramatisches Gedicht: Überlegungen zur Form von Lenaus Faust, in Lenau zwischen Ost und West (ed. A. Stillmark et al.) (1992). The Terrorist as Monarchist: Extremes of Individualism in the Works of Joseph von Westphalen, in The Individual, Identity and Innovation. Signals from Contemporary Literature and the New Germany (ed. A. Williams et al.) (1994). Non-verbal Communication in Robert Schneider's Novel Schlafes Bruder, in Contemporary German Writers. Their Aesthetics and Their Language (ed. A. Williams et al.) (1996).


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