Dr. Michael Robert MINDEN
Geb. 1949, Reader seit 2012, Cambridge, Großbritannien/Nordirland - German literature from 1750 to the present day; German cinema of the 1920s (Lehrgebiet)
University of Cambridge - Department of German, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages - University of Cambridge - Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DA
Jesus College, Cambridge, CB5 8BL
Andere dienstliche Anschrift Jesus College, Cambridge, CB5 8BL
Besondere Forschungsgebiete
- German literature and cultural history from 1750 to the present day
- German cinema of the 1920s
- Arno Schmidt. A Critical Study of his Prose (1982)
- The German Bildungsroman. Incest and Inheritance (1997)
- Modern German Literature (2011)
Aufsätze und Beiträge
- Effi Briest and 'die historische Stunde des Takts' (MLR, 1981)
- The Place of Inheritance in the 'Bildungsroman' (DVLG, 1983)
- Problems of Realism in Immermann's Die Epigonen (OGS, 1985)
- . The City in Early Cinema: Metropolis, Berlin and October, in Unreal City (ed. E.F. Timms et al.) (1985)
- Politics and the Silent Cinema: The Cabinet of Dr Caligari and Battleship Potemkin, in Visions and Blueprints (ed. E.F. Timms et al.) (1987)
- Implications of the Narrative Technique in Der Butt, in Günter Grass's 'Der Butt' (ed. P.V. Brady et al.) (1990)
- Erzählen, Gedankenspiel, Traum und Sprache. Zur Entwicklung der Form in Schmidts mittlerer Werkphase, in Arno Schmidt. Leben - Werk - Wirkung (ed. M. Schardt et al.) (1990)