Geb. 1944, Reader seit 2001, Cambridge, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft (Fachgebiet)
- Deutsche Sprache, deutsche Literatur seit 1700 (Lehrgebiet)
University of Cambridge - Department of German, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages - University of Cambridge - Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DA
Trinity Hall, Cambridge CB2 1TJ
Andere dienstliche Anschrift Trinity Hall, Cambridge CB2 1TJ
Besondere Forschungsgebiete Aspects of German literature since 1700
Literary Presentations of Divided Germany (1977)
Games Authors Play (1983)
Stefan Heym. The Perpetual Dissident (1992)
Stefan Heym: Dissident auf Lebenszeit (1999).
Aufsätze und Beiträge
Der Garten des Theophrast: An epitaph for Peter Huchel? (GLL, 1971)
DDR-Literatur in England (WB, 1971)
'Conditioned against us...' The East German view of the Federal Republic (FMLS,1972)
Franz Fühmann's 'Böhmen am Meer': a socialist version of The Winter's Tale (MLR, 1972)
'New words and new meanings': fresh tasks for the German language teacher (Unterrichtspraxis, 1974)
Seminar work in the interpretation of poetry (ML, 1975)
Interview with Rolf Schneider (New German Critique, 1976)
Red Herrings or Clues? Some Aspects of Kafka's Games, in The Kafka Debate (ed. A. Flores) (1977)
Improving the Standard of Translation (ML, 1977)
Aspects of Peter Huchel's Compositional Technique as illustrated by In der Bretagne (N, 1978)
Teaching Brecht's Galilei (Treffpunkt, 1979)
History and political literature: The interpretation of the 'Day of German Unity' in the literature of East and West (MLR, 1981)
Teaching Mann's Tristan (Treffpunkt, 1981)
Willkommen und Abschied (GLL, 1982/3)
(with L. Llewellyn) Teaching advanced translation (Treffpunkt, 1984)
Problems of socialist historiography: The example of Stefan Heym's The King David Report (MLR, 1986)
Using the 'self-translator' as a model: The translations of Stefan Heym (ibid.)
Der Wortklang bei Huchel, in Peter Huchel (ed. A. Vieregg) (1986)
Teaching Dürrenmatt's Der Besuch der alten Dame (GT, 1989)
The Stefan Heym Archive in Cambridge University Library (GLL, 1992/3)
Das Stefan-Heym-Archiv in Cambridge. Umfang und Bedeutung (DA, 1993)
Teaching Büchner's Dantons Tod (GT, 1993)
Elegy Seven, in Rilke's 'Duino Elegies' (ed. R. Paulin & Peter Hutchinson) (1996)
Stefan Heym and the 'Wende', in Retrospect and Review (ed. M. Kane) (1997)
The Stefan Heym Archive, in Cambridge University Library: The Great Collections (ed. P. Fox) (1998)
Stefan Heym and the transformation of East Germany, in Writers and Intellectuals in the New Germany (ed. D. Rock) (2000)
'Einfuhrung in die Architekten' BMG Wort - LC10378, 2000
Paul Celan, 'Todesfuge', in Landmarks in German Poetry, ed. Peter Hutchinson (2000)
Brecht, 'Die Dreigroschenoper', in Landmarks in German Drama, ed. Peter Hutchison (2002)
'Der Sozialismus geht und Johnny Walker kommt': German poetry of the Wende and Unification', in Legacies and Identity, ed. Martin Kane (2002)
'The Advocate of Socialism at his Peak: Stefan Heym's The Eyes of Reason', in Stefan Heym: Socialist - Dissenter - Jew, ed. by Peter Hutchinson and Reinhard Zachau (2003)
Mann, 'Der Tod in Venedig', in Landmarks in German Short Prose, ed. Peter Hutchinson (2003)
Politics and Playfulness in Gunter Grass's sonnet cycle 'Novemberland', GQ (2005)
Durrenmatt, 'Der Besuch der alten Dame', in Landmarks in German Comedy, ed. Peter Hutchinson (2006)
Hesse, 'Der Steppenwolf', in Landmarks in the German Novel (1), ed. Peter Hutchinson (2007)
'Uncomfortable, unsettling, alienating: Brecht's poetry of the unexpected', in Verwisch die Spuren, ed. Robert Gillett and Godela Weiss-Sussex
Stefan Heym's Exile Poetry as the Foundation for his later Fiction, in Dislocations and Reorientations, ed Axel Goodbody et al. (2009
Plenzdorf, 'Die neuen Leiden des jungen W.', in Landmarks in the German Novel (2), ed. Peter Hutchinson
Partial accusation? Stylistic and structural methods in 'All Quiet on the Western Front', in Critical Insights, 'All Quiet...' ed. Brian Murdoch (2010)
Kafka's Private Alphabet, (MLR, 2011)
Übersetzungen Rolf Schneider, Imagination (Dimension, 1978).
Die DDR erzählt (1973)
(with M.R. Minden) Kafka, Die Verwandlung (1985)
Frisch, Biedermann und die Brandstifter (1986)
(with A.G. Jones) Wende '89. Von der DDR zu den fünf neuen Ländern (1992)
Frisch, Andorra (1994)
(with Roger Paulin) Rilke's Duino Elegies. Cambridge Readings (1996)
Goethe, Maxims and Reflections transl. by Elisabeth Stopp (1998)
Landmarks in German Poetry (2000)
Landmarks in German Drama (2002
Stefan Heym: Socialist - Dissenter - Jew (2003)
Landmarks in German Short Prose (2003)
Landmarks in German Comedy (2006)
Landmarks in the German Novel 1 (2007)
Landmarks in the German Novel 2 (2010).
Zusätzliche Kurzinformationen MA (Cambridge), PhD (London), LittD (Cambridge); Fellow and Director of Studies in Modern Languages, Trinity Hall
Letzte Aktualisierung: Mon Aug 15 16:34:39 2011