Nicholas BOYLE
Geb. 1946, Cambridge, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - German literature and thought since 1700 (Lehrgebiet)
University of Cambridge - Department of German, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages - University of Cambridge - Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DA
Besondere Forschungsgebiete Literature and thought of the classical period (particularly Goethe)
Monographien Goethe. Faust Part One (1987). Goethe: The Poet and the Age. Volume One. The Poetry of Desire (1749-1790) (1991). (German translation: Goethe. Der Dichter in seiner Zeit, 1, 1995).
Aufsätze und Beiträge The Human Significance of the Aeolian Harp in German Poetry, in Aeolian Harp (ed. S. Bonner) (1970). G.C. Lichtenberg (GML VI, 1972). Eusebius, Eucherius and Bruno of Segni: Caveat Lector, in Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society (1974). The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century (Cambridge Review, 1976). Kantian and other Elements in Goethe's 'Vermächtnis' (MLR, 1978). Approaching Faust I (JES, 1978). Shaftesbury's Religion of the Wise (Notes and Queries, 1979). Lessing, Biblical Criticism and the Origins of German Classical Culture (GLL, 1981). Maifest and Auf dem See (GLL, 1982-83). Du ahnungsloser Engel du!: Some current views of Goethe's Faust (ibid.). Goethe and T.S. Eliot (LGS, 1983). The Politics of Faust II (PEGS, 1983). Pascal, Warburton, Lessing: the argument from despair, in Nation und Gelehrtenrepublik: Lessing im europäischen Zusammenhang (ed. W. Barner et al.) (1984). Nietzsche and the 'middle mode of discourse', in Realism in European Literature (1986). Das Lesedrama: Versuch einer Ehrenrettung (Akten des VII. Internationalen Germanisten-Kongresses Göttingen 1985, 1986). Understanding Germany, (New Blackfriars, 1990). Eine Stunde in Paestum: Goethes Begegnung mit der Antike 1787 (Akten des VIII. Internationalen Germanisten-Kongresses Tokio 1990, 1991). Die Natürliche Tochter and the origins of 'Entsagung' (LGS IV, 1992). Geschichtsschreibung und Autobiographik bei Goethe, 1810-1817 (GJb, 1993). Faust, Helen, and Proserpine. Reflections on some Goethe drawings (PEGS, 1993). Hegel and the End of History (New Blackfriars, 1995). 'Foreword' to J.P. Stern The Dear Purchase (1995).