Geb. 1935, Bristol, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - Sprachwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - German language; German literature of the 16th-, 17th- and 19th-c. (Lehrgebiet)
University of Bristol - Department of German, University of Bristol - 21 Woodland Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1TE
Besondere Forschungsgebiete Anglo-German literary relations
Monographien (with L.R. Furst) Naturalism (1971). The Baroque: Literature and Culture in Seventeenth-Century Europe (1978). Hauptmann, Wedekind and Schnitzler (1988). (with E. Sagarra) A Companion to German Literature (1997*).
Aufsätze und Beiträge A Flemish model for the Tragedies of Lohenstein (MLR, 1966). Halm's Griseldis: a landmark in 19th-century German drama (MLR, 1968). The destination of the ship of fools: religious allegory in Brant's Narrenschiff (MLR, 1969). Blood, bombast and deaf gods: the tragedies of Lee and Lohenstein (GLL, 1970). Dürer and the Temper of his Age, in Essays on Dürer (1973). Ein treuer Diener seines Herrn: Grillparzers Drama vom Barock aus gesehen (JIG, 1976). Angelus Silesius; or The Art of being an Angel (LGS I, 1980). Deutsches Barock und englische Sprachkultur (JIG, 1981). New Light on Jesuit Drama in Germany (GLL, 1981). Court and Theatre in Restoration England (WAB, 1981). Jan Vos and Crébillon (Theatrum Europaeum, 1982). An exploration of Hallmann's dramas (GLL, 1983). Illusion and Reality, in German Baroque Literature: The European Perspective (ed. G. Hoffmeister) (1983). Matthäus von Collin and historical drama (MLR, 1983). Lohenstein's Livia (Daphnis, 1983). Das Bild des Dieners in der deutschen Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts (WAB, 1985). The background to Spohr's The Fall of Babylon (Spohr Journal, 1986). Grillparzer and romantic verse drama, in Grillparzer und die europäische Tradition (ed. R. Pichl et al.) (1987). James VI & I and German Literature (Daphnis, 1989). James VI and Martin Opitz, in Opitz und seine Welt (Chloe, 1990). Images of the merchant in German Renaissance literature (BJRUL, 1990). Collin's Regulus reconsidered, in Bristol Austrian Studies (ed. B. Keith-Smith) (1990). German baroque drama and seventeenth-century European theatre, in Literary Culture in the Holy Roman Empire 1555-1720 (ed. J.A. Parente et al.) (1991). Die Albigenser, in Lenau zwischen Ost und West (ed. A. Stillmark et al.) (1992). Mrs Gaskell and Germany (The Gaskell Society Journal, 1993). The choral image in baroque tragedy, in Spectacle et image (ed. P. Béhar et al.) (1993). Elsa Bernstein, in German Women Writers 1900-1930 (ed. B. Keith-Smith) (1993). Andreas Gryphius in Italy, in Travel Fact and Travel Fiction (ed. Z. von Martels) (1994). Johanna Spyri's Heidi, in Children's Literature (ed. D. Blamires) (1994). The Greek tragedies of Hans Sachs, in Hans Sachs and Folk Theatre in the late Middle Ages (ed. R. Aylett et al.) (1995). Goethe's classical lyrics, in A Reassessment of Weimar Classicism (ed. G. Hoffmeister) (1996). The German-speaking countries, in The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism (*).