Nigel Wallace HARRIS
Geb. 1960, Professor, Birmingham, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Ältere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - German language; Middle High German language and literature; Renaissance and Reformation studies (Lehrgebiet)
University of Birmingham - Department of Modern Languages, Ashley Building, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT
Andere dienstliche Anschrift University of Birmingham - Department of Modern Languages, Ashley Building, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT
Besondere Forschungsgebiete Literature of the High and Later Middle Ages; the Swiss Reformation
- The Latin and German 'Etymachia' (1994)
- The Light of the Soul: The 'Lumen anime C' and Ulrich Putsch's 'Das liecht der sel' (2007)
- (with Joel Love) Dialogue and Disputation in the Zurich Reformation: Utz Eckstein's 'Concilium' and 'Rychsztag' (2013)
- The Shorter Writings of Ulrich Putsch: 'Diarium', 'Oraciones super missam', 'Manuale simplicium sacerdotum' (2013)
- The Thirteenth-Century Animal Turn: Medieval and Twenty-First-Century Perspectives (2020)
Aufsätze und Beiträge
- Animal Symbolism in Late Medieval Germany: The 'Etymachia' Treatise, in Tiersymbolik (ed. P. Michel) (1991)
- 'Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum': The Problem of Violence, in The Narrative Fiction of Heinrich Böll (ed. M. Butler) (1994)
- The Presentation of Clerical Characters in the 'Vie du pape Saint Grégoire' and in Hartmann's 'Gregorius' (MAe, 1995)
- Teaching Böll's 'Katharina Blum' (GT, 1995)
- 'gar süezen smac daz pantir hât'. Der Panther und sein Atem in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des Mittelalters, in Natur und Kultur in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters (ed. A. Robertshaw, G. Wolf) (1999)
- 'Noch im Untergang triumphiert die Liebe' - or does it? Günter de Bruyn's Nacherzählung of the Medieval Tristan Legend, in Günter de Bruyn in Perspective (ed. D. Tate) (1999)
- Willehalm and Puzzât, Guillelme and Baucent: The Hero and His Horse in Wolfram's 'Willehalm' and in the 'Bataille d'Aliscans', in The Challenge of German Culture (ed. M. Butler, R. Evans) (2000)
- German Studies: Medieval Literature (YWMLS, 2000-2005)
- The Teaching of Medieval German Literature at American Universities (FMLS, 2001)