Prof. Dr. Michael Gregory BUTLER
Geb. 1935, Professor seit 1986, Birmingham, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - German language; German literature from c. 1750 (Lehrgebiet)
University of Birmingham - Dep. of German Studies, Centre for European Languages and Cultures, School of Humanities - Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT
Besondere Forschungsgebiete Expressionism; Post-1945 German and Austrian literature; Contemporary German-Swiss literature
Monographien The Novels of Max Frisch (1976). The Plays of Max Frisch (1985). Frisch: 'Andorra' (1985; 21994).
Aufsätze und Beiträge
- Nikolaus Lenau (GML V, 1969). Concrete poetry and the crisis of language (NGS, 1973). Das Problem der Exzentrizität in den Romanen Frischs (TK, 1975). Poetry and the response to crisis: two poems by Stefan George and Jakob van Hoddis (ML, 1977). Joachim Mahlke and the 'Ritterkreuz': a note on narrative perspective in Günter Grass's Katz and Maus (ML, 1978). Character und paradox in J.M.R. Lenz's Der Hofmeister (GLL, 1979). Das Paradoxon des Parabelstücks: zu Max Frischs Don Juan oder Die Liebe zur Geometrie und Graf Öderland, in Max Frisch. Aspekte des Bühnenwerks (ed. G. Knapp) (1979). Reflections of Mortality: Max Frisch's Triptychon (GLL, 1979)
- Reflections of Mortality: Max Frisch's Triptychon (GLL,1979)
- From the 'Wiener Gruppe' to Ernst Jandl, in Modern Austrian Writing. Literature and Society after 1945 (ed. A. Best et al.) (1980). 'Frische' und 'Dürre': Aspects of Contemporary German-Swiss Theatre, in Modern Swiss Literature. Unity and Diversity (ed. J.L. Flood) (1985). Das Labyrinth und die Rebellion: the Absurd World of Friedrich Dürrenmatt (ML, 1985). Ted Hughes and the Links with German Expressionism, in Anglistentag Kiel (ed. R. Böhm et al.) (1986). The Presentation of the Comic Hero in Molière's Le Misanthrope and Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm, in Patterns of Change. German Drama and the European Tradition (ed. A. McCormick) (1988). Mask and Scene in Max Frisch's Comedies, in Erbe und Umbruch in der neueren deutschsprachigen Komödie (ed. H. Castein et al.) (1989). Der sanfte Mut der Melancholie. Zur Liebeslyrik Sarah Kirschs (TK, 1989). Challenge and Example: Max Frisch and Friedrich Dürrenmatt, in Rejection and Emancipation. Writing in German-speaking Switzerland 1945-1991 (ed. M.Butler et al.) (1991). Kurt Marti: 'Chaos in die Ordnung bringen' (ibid.). 'Ein hoffnungsloser Moralist': Some Observations on the Narrative World of Gert Hofmann (GLL, 1994). Heinrich Böll: the Conservative Moralist, in The Narrative Fiction of Heinrich Böll (ed. M. Butler) (1994). Billiard um halb zehn: 'aktive Nachdenklichkeit' and the problem of resistance (ibid.). Ansichten eines Clowns: the Fool and the labyrinth (ibid.). Frauen vor Flußlandschaft: power politics and the women of Bonn (ibid.) The Problem of 'Heimat': Aspects of 'unbewältigte Vergangenheit' in German-Swiss Liteature, in 1945-1995. Fünfzig Jahre deutschsprachige Literatur in Aspekten (ed. G. Knapp et al.) (1995). 'Die Endlichkeit dieser Erde': Sarah Kirsch's Chronicles of Transience, in Sarah Kirsch (ed. D. Basker et al.) (1997). 'Wir wollen abschwören allem Irrsinn vergangenen Jahre...': the Early letters of Heinrich Boell' (The University of Dayton Review, 1997)