Logo Germanistenverzeichnis

Nigel Barrie Reginald REEVES

Geb. 1939, Birmingham, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - Sprachwissenschaft - Didaktik - DaF (Fachgebiet) - Language for business; German economy prior to and after unification; History of ideas, especially political and economic theory (Lehrgebiet)


Aston University - Department of Languages and European Studies, Aston University - Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET


Besondere Forschungsgebiete Intercultural communication; Theory and practice; Language learning and teaching; History of ideas; Translation theory; Terminology

Monographien Heinrich Heine. Poetry and Politics (1974). (with K. Dewhurst) Friedrich Schiller. Medicine, Psychology and Literature with the First English Edition of his complete Medical and Psychological Writings (1978). (with others) Foreign Languages for Overseas Trade (1979). (with D. Liston) Business Studies, Languages and Overseas Trade (1985). (with D. Liston) The Invisible Economy (1988). (with M. Howarth et al.) Making Your Mark. Effective Business Communication in Germany (1988). (with R. Hardie) Languages and Culture in the European Workplace (1989). (with J.B. Coates et al.) Challenging Short-Termism: The role of corporate performance measurement systems in the UK and Germany (1996).

Aufsätze und Beiträge The Art of Simplicity. Heinrich Heine und Wilhelm Müller (OGS, 1970). Heine and the Young Marx (OGS, 1972-73). University Language Studies and the Future of Britain (Inaugural Lecture, University of Surrey, 1976). Language Learning in Decline: The Implications for British Exports, in Does Britain Need Linguists? (1978). Atta Troll and his Executioners: the Political Significance of Heinrich Heine's Tragi-comic Epic (Euph, 1979). Heinrich Heine - Politics or Poetry? Hegel or Saint-Simon? (MLR, 1980). Your Money or Your Life. Language Training or Language Education? (IL, 1981). Languages and Careers (ML, 1982). Terminology for Translators, in Translating and the Computer 4: Term banks for Tomorrow's World (Aslib, 1983). Fremdsprachen und die Ingenieurausbildung in Großbritannien (IL, 1984). Kleist's Indebtedness to the Science, Psychiatry and Medicine of his Time (OGS, 1985). (with P. Thomas et al.). The British Term Bank (Terminologie et Traduction, 1986). Die drei Kulturen: Sprachen- und Ingenieurausbildung in Großbritannien (IL, 1984). The Uses of Literature. Reflections on the Role and Future of Literary Studies in Foreign Language Syllabuses (ML, 1985). German: A Key Language for Industrial Trading Success, in German in Ireland (1986). Why German?, in German in the UK. Issues and Opportunities (ed. E. Brown et al.) (1986). Education for Exporting Capability. Languages and Market Penetration (Royal Society of Arts Journal, 1986; IL, 1985). Eine Germanistik für die Wirtschaft? Das Beispiel Surrey, in Perspektiven und Verfahren interkultureller Germanistik (ed. A. Wierlacher) (1987). Einige Thesen zu wirtschaftskundlichen Aufgaben der Germanistik im Ausland (ibid.). German Area Studies: the 20th Century Realisation of an 18th Century Insight, in Area Studies (ed. K. Koch) (1988). Education or Training? Thoughts on Honours German with Business Studies, in German and Business Studies (Goethe-Institut, London) (1988). 'German Area Studies' - Legitimität, Theorie, Pädagogik, in Deutschlandstudien (ed. H.J. Althof) (1990). Languages. The Barrier no Directive Can Remove (The Linguist, 1989). Foreign Language Needs of UK-Based Corporations (The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1990). Kleist's Bedlam: Abnormal Psychology and Psychiatry in the Works of Heinrich von Kleist, in Romanticism and the Sciences (ed. A. Cunningham et al.) (1990). Languages and Business, in The European Market Place (ed. J. Hogan) (1991). Fremdsprachen und Beruf im vollendeten europäischen Binnenmarkt, in Europa. Die Sprachliche Herausforderung (ed. W. Brusch et al.) (1991). Lektionen von 'Making Your Mark', einem zweisprachigen interkulturellen Multimedia Lehrgang für Wirtschaftsdeutsch, in Akten des VIII. Internationalen Germanisten-Kongresses, Tokyo (1990). German Area Studies: Zur Definition und Problematik eines problemreichen Faches, in Dokumentation des Symposiums 'Interkulturelle Deutschstudien - Methoden, Möglichkeiten und Modelle' in Takayama/Japan (ed. K. Mishima et al.) (1990). Business Culture: Begriffe und Definitionen im Kontext der interkulturellen Management-Ausbildung (Akten des Weltkongresses der Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Germanistik, 1991). Translating and Interpreting as Cultural Intermediation (The Hong Kong Linguist, 1991/92). Heimat aus der Ferne. Gedanken zu einem Leitmotiv in Heines Dichtung, in Heimat im Wort (ed. R. Görner) (1992). Germanistik in the UK in the Framework of Higher Educational History since the 1960s, in Challenges of Germanistik (ed. E. Timm) (1992). Business Culture's Consequences for Foreign Language and Management Studies, in Connections (ed. P. Skrine et al.) (1993). The Foreign or Second Language as the Medium of Instruction. A Review of School-level Experience across Europe, in Language and Content, Institute of Language in Education (ed. N. Bird et al.) (1993). Translating and Interpreting as Cultural Intermediation, in Translation and Interpreting: Bridging East and West (ed. R.K. Seymour et al.) (1994). 'Den festen Kern festigen': Towards a functional taxonomy of transnational political discourse, in Conceiving of Europe: Diversity in Unity (ed. A. Musolff et al.) (1996). Das International Business and German-Programm an der Universität Aston, in Reformdiskussion und curriculare Entwicklung in der Germanistik (ed. G. Blamberger et al.) (1996).


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