Schmitterer, A. M. A., Tetzlaff, L. D., Hasselhorn, M., & Brod, G. (2023). Who benefits from computerized learning progress assessment in reading education? Evidence from a two‐cohort pre–post design. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
Ehm, J., Schmitterer,A.M.A., Nagler, T. & Lervåg, A. (2023) The Underlying Components of Growth in Decoding and Reading Comprehension: Findings from a 5-Year Longitudinal Study of German-Speaking Children, Scientific Studies of Reading, 27:4, 311-333,
Schmitterer, A.M.A. & Brod, G. (2021). Which Data do Elementary School Teachers use to Determine Reading Difficulties in their Students? Special Issue, Journal of Learning Disabilities.
Schmitterer, A.M.A. & Schroeder, S. (2019). Grain Size Effects in Rime Judgment Across Literacy Development in German, Applied Psycholinguistics, 40, 673-691.
Schmitterer, A.M.A. & Schroeder, S. (2019). Young Children’s Semantic Judgment of Thematic Relations Predicts Word Reading: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study, Cognitive Development, 50, 22-35,