PD Dr. Julia Bacskai-Atkari
Geb. 1986, Hochschuldozentur seit 2022, Habilitation 2021, Potsdam, Deutschland
Sprachwissenschaft (Fachgebiet)
- Linguistik (Lehrgebiet)
Universität Potsdam, Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25, 14476 Potsdam
Besondere Forschungsgebiete
- #Relativsätze
- Westgermanische Sprachen
- Komparativsätze
- Linke Peripherie
- The syntax of functional left peripheries: Clause typing in West Germanic and beyond
- Deletion phenomena in comparative constructions: English comparatives in a cross-linguistic perspective
- The syntax of comparative constructions: Operators, ellipsis phenomena and functional left peripheries
- The narrative properties of the 19th-century verse novel: Reflexive structure, intertextuality and generic history
Aufsätze und Beiträge
- Complementisers, word order and a non-cartographic approach to the CP-domain
- Subject-object asymmetries and the development of relative clauses between Late Middle English and Early Modern English
- Relative clauses in South Slavic and the predictability of morphosyntactic features
- Syntactic paradigms, markedness and similative markers in comparative and relative clauses