Monographien Computing Action. A Narratological Approach. Translated by Alastair Matthews. Foreword by Marie-Laure Ryan. Berlin, New York (de Gruyter) 2003 (= Bd. 2 der Reihe 'Narratologia')
Aufsätze und Beiträge
"Consensus ex machina? Consensus qua machina!"; in: "Literary and Linguistic Computing. Journal of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing; Oxford/UK. Vol.10, 1995:263-270
"Tagging Time in Prolog. The Temporality Effect Project"; in: JLLC. Journal of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing; Oxford/UK, Vol.20, 2005:107-124
ࠠ-2138;#-1809;-3;-2039;"Projekt Computerphilologie." In: Segeberg, Harro; Winko, Simone (Hg.): Literarität und Digitalität. Zur Zukunft der Literatur. München 2005