Geb. 1951, Professor seit 1995, Bangor, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - German language; German and Austrian culture, society and literature since 18th-c. (Lehrgebiet)
- #Rhetorik
- #Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert, Exilliteratur, Literatur seit 1945
- #Literatur und andere Künste
Besondere Forschungsgebiete
- German and Austrian culture and literature since 1945
- German and Austrian poetry
- The Emergence of West German Poetry from the Second World War into the Early Post-War Period: A Study in Poetic Response (1989)
- Poetry in a Provisional Stae: the Austrian Lyric 1945-1955 (2007)
Aufsätze und Beiträge
- A Darkening Vision: the Poetry of Marie Luise Kaschnitz (N, 1981)
- Günter Kunert and the Possibilities of Poetry (FMLS, 1982)
- Hamburg and the Revival of the Theatre in Post-war Germany (Trivium, 1982)
- Performing Foreign Language Drama: Some Observations (Speech and Drama, 1982)
- The New Technology and Language Learning: A Dissenting View (Language Monthly and International Journal of Translation, 1987)
- Max von der Grün: Stellenweise Glatteis (GT, 1991)
- Austria: Barometer of the New Europe (Austria Today, 1991)
- Gabriele Wohmann and Karl Krolow, in Contemporary World Authors (ed. T. Chevalier) (1992)
- Heinrich von Kleist and the Marquise of O, in Reference Guide to Short Fiction (ed. N. Watson) (1994)
- A Book Too Soon? Hans Lebert's Novel Die Wolfshaut, in Essays in Germanic Studies (ed. A. Bushell) (1994)
- Language Learning and the 'Weak' Advanced Student (LLJ, 1995)
- Austria's Political and Cultural Re-emergence: the First Decade, in Austria 1945 -1955 (ed. A. Bushell) ( 1996)
- Viennese Whirls: Accounting for Modern Austria (inaugural lecture, 1996)
- The Problem of Structure and Themes in Sarah Kirsch's Early Poetry, in Sarah Kirsch (ed. M. Hopwood) (1997)
- Implying or Denying the Reader? The Challenge of Julian Schutting's Poetry in Julian Schutting (ed. Harriet Murphy) (2000)
- Austria's Second Coming: The literary response to a restored Austria in the early years of the Second Republic, in The Phoney Peace: Power and Culture in Central Europe 1945-1949 (ed. Robert Pynsent)( 2000)
- The Poet between War and Peace: Marie Luise Kaschnitz's Essays Menschen und Dinge 1945in Experiencing Tradition: Essays of Discovery (ed Hinrich Siefken and Anthony Bushell (2003)
- Family History as National History: Peter Henisch's Novel Die kleine Figur meines Vaters and the Issue of Memory in Austria's Second Republic (Orbis Litterarum 2004)
- The Return of the Native, or the Neighbours are back: Anna Mitgutsch's novel Haus der Kindheit in Neighbours and Strangers: Germany, Austria and Central Europe: Literary and Cultural Relations since 1989 (ed Ian Foster et al(2004)